*Edited* Epilogue

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Klaus's POV: *15 years later*

     Roman and Hope are always asking about their moms. I keep telling them it's a touchy subject, but they ask anyway. They've become great people though. They're both always sticking up for each other. Nobody is mean to the other without the other one doing something about it. Oh great, here they come...

"Daddy, you told us since today is Roman's fifteenth birthday that you'd tell us about our mom, so?" Hope asked, causing me to sigh.

"Fine, sit." I said, and they nodded.

     They listened and sat on my bed across from me. They waited for me to speak patiently, as I thought of what to tell them.

"Well, first you are not brother and sister, second your mom is a bad person, she tried to kill me, and my sister, third Roman I'm your uncle, your mom and dad were killed by witches fifteen years ago." I stated, as their eyes widened.

"Who were my parents?" Roman asked, and I smiled sadly.

"My twin sister Claudia and my friend Tyler Lockwood." I replied, and he frowned.

"Do you have a picture?" He asked, and I nodded.

"Yeah." I replied, grabbing a picture from my bedside table.

     I showed him the picture of Him, Hope, Tyler, Claws, and I sitting around for a family portrait.

"Your mom and dad told me to tell you they love you and will always be looking out for you two, and will always be here if you needed them." I stated, seeing tears swell in Roman's eyes.

"Really?" He asked, and I nodded.

"Yeah, actually, I was thinking, do you two want to meet them?" I asked, and their eyes widened.

"How?!" They asked in unison, and I sadly chuckled at their craziness.

"Dead witches tomb, of course." I answered, and they nodded.

"Yes! Let's go, Dad!" They yelled in unison, while going to their rooms.

     For the past fifteen years, I've been trying to find a way to bring Tyler and Claudia back, but I haven't found anything yet, but I'm coming close maybe a few more years...

     We walked to the witches tomb and was allowed entrance inside. We walked in and I covered their eyes.

"Claudia, Tyler, come out please." I said, my voice ringing through the tomb.

     Then I seen two figures and immediately recognised them. I smiled, before removing my hands from the kids eyes.

"Well guys aren't you going to say hello?" I asked, and they chuckled.

"Hey Roman, Hope. I've missed you both so much." Claws said, as a sad smile graced her face.

"Hi." Hope greeted shyly, smiling slightly.

"Hello, Momma." Roman commented, and Claws smiled once more.

"Boy, you've grown since the last time I talked to you." Tyler said, and Claws chuckled.

"Funny, Dad." Roman retorted, though he still laughed.

    After a long while of talking, it was time for us to leave. I told the kids to wait outside for a moment, so that I could talk to Claws and Tyler.

"Thank you, Nik." Claws said, and I furrowed my brows in confusion.

"For what?" I asked, and she sighed.

"For keeping Roman safe. I've been watching you for fifteen years and I have seen you pass up everything just for the two of them." She said, and I smiled sadly.

"Always and Forever, like I promised." I replied, and she nodded.

"I love you, Niklaus." She commented, as  a tear rolled down her cheek.

"I love you, too, Claudia." I replied, wishing I could keep her from crying.

     I hugged her and Tyler tightly.

"Thank you for watching out for my son." Tyler said, and I nodded with a smile.

"Anything for family." I answered, and he smiled as well.

        I walked out of the tomb and we walked back home, happy to see my sister and Tyler, but sad to not be able to take them home...

*3 years later*

      I turned Hope and Roman into hybrids. Turns out if your mom or dad was a hybrid, you can easily become one. I finally found a way to bring them back forever. They're going to still be hybrids and nothing will change, except that they were dead for eighteen years.

     I went to the dead witches tomb with a witch and the materials I needed. The witch started the spell and now I just had to wait...

*1 hour later*

    The witch finished and I passed out, then I awoke and seen Claudia and Tyler waking up. They looked over at me, and looked shocked.

"Are we alive?!" Claws asked, excitement in her voice.

"Yes, I brought you back." I answered, and she grinned.

    We hugged and then the three of us raced home to the kids.

"Hope, Roman, I have a surprise for you." I called, knowing they'd hear me.

     Hope was the first to walk down.

"Aunt Claws! Uncle Ty!" Hope yelled, as she vamp sped to them.

     She engulfed them in a bone crushing hug while crying. Roman came down seconds later, and looked at Claws and Tyler before yelling"Dad! Momma!"

     He ran to them and cried as they hugged. Then Claws brought Hope, Roman, Tyler, and herself into a group hug and then pulled me in with them.

"Finally, one big happy family." I commented, and everyone smiled.

     We linked hands and I said,"Always and Forever."

     Then we all echoed in unison, "Always and Forever."


A/N: I hope you liked this chapter. Apparently, I thought it'd be funny to write an epilogue that pretty much went through everything, just to announce that I wrote a sequel. Good Lord, I was so cringey!

Love you guys!


- Youngblood Xxx

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