Vox x Reader ~ Hate Smex !?

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"Where the hell have you been?"

A voice loomed from behind me.

Oh shit.

You turn around and realize you're next to a TV store.

Vox's face was on the TV, one of his eyes wide and the other narrowed. He looked kind of pissed.

Not kind of. REALLY pissed.

Alastor warned you not to go near any TV store, and unluckily, you were passing by one without noticing.

You replied, "Oh, Vox, long time no see! How are you holding up these days?"

He let out a laugh, leaning back, which made you see his shoulders and up.

"I've actually been doing quite well, you know, me and the Vees—"

Your voice cut him off. "Oh, that is what you're going to talk about? Don't even get me started on Valentino."

Vox's smile faded away, replaced by a strained expression.

"To be honest, I have places to be," you continued, wiping off dust that was on your suit. "I hope I don't see you again."

With that, you walked away from the TVs. You could hear his yelling for you to come back but you decided to ignore it.

Demons started to take in your presence and run away. It was weird to have that sense of feeling powerful due to disappearing for a while with Alastor.

For some reason, the lights started flickering around you.

Hm. Power outage?

You kept on walking until a familiar TV pulled into your vision. A scoff left your mouth.

"You found me quick," you said, looking at your nails with a bored look on your face.

"I'm going to kill you, Y/n," Vox scowled, his TV going bonkers.

You blinked a few times. "Oh no."

After you said that, you got into a fighting position. Once he saw you ready, he started running towards you. A bunch of weird cords sprouted from behind his head and darted towards you.

You easily dodged them. They weren't obviously trying to hit you, they were trying to frighten you. He was holding back.

Vox would never want to kill you. He just couldn't.

You think for a moment before deciding to run into an alleyway. He chased after you with anger in his eyes.

Run. Dodge. Repeat.

There was a bunch of trash ahead of you and you jumped over it. However, something caught your ankle and slammed you into the side of the building.

A pained scream escaped you and the taste of iron filled your mouth. You looked down to see a wrapped cord around your ankle, seeing it come from the ground.

He must have dug it in there.

More cords came to wrap you up. Vox came closer, his own cords lifting himself, acting as a platform.

You opened your mouth to say something, but all that came out was a gasp for air. He squeezed the ever-living shit out of you. It reminded you of the old times...

Okay. Scratch that idea.

"You were always a masochist," he said in a low tone. "You think you can handle that? You're cute. I could have you on your knees in a heartbeat. It would suit you."

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