Lute x Reader ~ Six and Nine !?

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Lute was your trainer. She was very... uptight, you'd say.

You were exhausted.

Lute threw a punch at you right in the stomach. That earned a ragged breath from you.

One of your hands went to cup your stomach, trying to get yourself steady again while stepping back.

A snicker left her mouth. Lute came running towards you, lifting her leg.

You ran towards her as well. She couldn't even finish her kick, all that got up was her knee. A quick punch from you landed on her shoulder.

And then— swoop.

A second time you were on the floor again. You landed on your ass, watching Lute as she flew back, using her pretty wings.

"Again," Lute commanded, raising a hand and signaling you to come after her.

With a sigh, you lifted your training weapon and got into a stance.

In an instant, you found yourself on the floor. Her training weapon jabbed itself into the floor next to you. Lute's mask grinned with satisfaction.

What the hell?

Using all your strength, you hit her arm with your elbow and grabbed it, rolling her. In the end, you found yourself in a position above her.

"I'm done here," you said with a high and mighty tone. You were done.

Lute's hands went to your waist. "Not yet."

You felt your heartbeat quicken as fight or flight mode came in.

Uh, oh shit. What do I say to that?

Your body went into autopilot and you pulled your execution mask off. So did she, and once she saw yours off, she pressed her lips against yours.

It started as slow, savoring ones. It soon turned into passionate and rough ones.

Your hands found the bottom of her dress and you lifted it. The way it hugged her curves was beautiful.

"You know, you're pretty, Lute," you complimented, looking into her yellow eyes.

She scowled. "Shut up, brat."

You deadpanned but continued kissing her before moving your head between her thighs. Your hands pull down her tights and pull them down, revealing her underwear.

Snickering, you tilted your head and looked at her. Your hand started rubbing against her, feeling her wetness seep through.

"So wet for me," you smirked while pulling down her underwear.

A hand entangled into your hair and pulled.
"Don't tease me," she warned with an angry look on her face. Always with that look.

You shrugged and started kissing her clit. The kissing sooner turned into sucking. Sweet moans came from Lutes mouth. Your tongue makes a long lick between her folds, lapping up her juices. The taste savored in your mouth.

"Here, why don't you do something for me," an excited expression stretched across your face as you did a 180, placing your ass on her face.

You could tell she was annoyed because of her body tensing beneath you. Lute followed your command, which was surprising. In one swift motion, your sex was revealed and she began rubbing it.

Turning your head closer to her pussy, you tried to focus on her. Each rub made you emit a low groan.

Lute licked your sex before pushing a finger in, causing you to bite your lip and squeeze your eyes shut. You inserted one of your fingers inside of her and started at a slow pace.

This continued for a while. You and her fingering each other. You inserted another one into her and curled harshly, pressing up and feeling for her good spot. Her hips bucked up when you did this.


"Such a good girl," you whispered before pressing your palm against her clit, curling into her even more.

She dug another one of her fingers into you. "Be my whore for once, hm?"

Lute ignored your praise and pumped her fingers in and out faster.

She always ignores me whenever I say those words.

An exciting feeling seeped into you as she went deeper into your core. With one of your moans against her clit, she shivered from the sensation.

Taking a break from eating her out, you lifted your head back and whimpered. She continued fingering you at a fast pace, not stopping. At one point Lute inserted her tongue in your sex and curled it.

"Oh my... God," you managed to whine out. "Lute, fuck."

"Go on, slut," she said, her words muffled as she sucked on you.

You rubbed yourself against her mouth and nose, cumming all over her. Loud, crude noises came out of your mouth as your liquid etched itself across her face and chest.

Her pleasure was going down due to you focused on your climax. Lute slapped your thigh a couple of times to get you out of your trance.

You picked up the pace again with your fingering. Lowering your head to her pussy again, you replace your fingers with your tongue. You ventured to her and swirled it around to try and gather up her juices. One of your hands went to her clit and you rubbed it in a soft but fast way.

Lute inhaled a sharp breath and her thighs started shaking. You smirked before trying to press all of your flesh into her.

Lute thighs squeezed a part of your face as she came. You slowly rub her more, taking in her twitching state with a satisfied look. You slurped all of her fluids and licked your lips.
You quickly shoved a finger into her. This made Lute gasp and then moan once you removed it.

With a swift move, you lift a leg and get off of her. Using your finger you just put inside of her, you press it against her lips.

"Never knew you were like this, Lute," after you said that, you moved the finger back to your mouth and sucked on it to get her reaction.
There was a noticeable blush on her face, making you give her a shit-eating grin.

"Ah," you laughed, running a hand through your hair.

Lute scooted in closer before pulling you into a soft kiss. You felt your heart get struck by Cupid.

She rolled her eyes. "Let us get back to work."

HUHHHH!? After making her shake like that, this is what I get? More training?

You let out an angry sigh.

"Hey, hey, -" that voice, "- my guys, what are you-"

Adam's voice became more clear once he opened the door to the training room. You quickly hid your lower half with your wings, yelping.

"A... Adam!" you stuttered. "Sir."

Lute cocked an eyebrow, maintaining a stoic look.

Adam's gaze fell onto you and your eyes widened.

He let out a cackle. "Wow! Y/n, that's embarrassing! Did you rip your pants or something?"

Now, you were sighing of relief. He did not notice...

For some fucking reason. I'm glad he's slow.

"Sir, could you get some pants for Y/n?" Lute asked politely and Adam nodded.

He wiped a tear from his face. "Ah, good one. I'll never forget this day."

Adam slammed the door behind him. Instantly, you pulled on your hair and gritted your teeth together.

Your eyes went to Lutes and she gave you a small smile before turning back to her hard self.


Published: 02/18/24
Edited: 02/20/24

Authors note: ughh guhh idk Lute is guh.

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