Lucifer x F!Reader ~ Did it Jiggle When You Fell From Heaven !?

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There you were walking to Lucifer's bedroom, holding a rubber duck.

He was coming back from a business trip and you wanted to surprise him.

Each step you took resulted in a squeak - he had rubber ducks everywhere.

You thought his obsession with ducks was cute. Every night he was with you, Lucifer would ramble on and on. You sat there contently, listening with every fiber of your being.

Lucifer talked and you listened.

You opened the door and walked to his marvelous bed, sitting down. With a groan, you stretch your arms across the silky sheets. A few minutes pass by of just you staring at the wall.

"Can't wait for him to come home," you muttered to break the silence, lifting your hand that had the rubber duck in it.

You suddenly felt a tightening feeling on you.
A snake was wrapped around your leg. It was white and had a hat on it.

Lucifer popped into his human form, a grin plastered onto his sweet face. His hand was gripped onto your leg.

He said, "Hello, love. What's this you got here?"

Lucifer didn't wait for your response and yanked the rubber duck out of your hand. He instantly beamed, squeezing the rubber duck.

"Oh my," he whispered, soon his tone rising, "Is this a rubber duck, for me?"

With a soft smile, you nodded.

"Yeah, I thought you'd like one after your meeting," you explained while shifting your gaze to the duck.

It was simple. Just colored so it could match his usual attire, and of course, adorned with his iconic hat.

Lucifer turned away from you. He held the duck like it was his most desired treasure.
With a chuckle, you placed a hand on his shoulder.

"Thank you," he sighed. "The meeting I had with the angels... it was tough. They really hate you now."

You made a straight face. "Your dreams matter more than anything else, Lucifer."

Lucifer stayed silent for a moment. He turned around slowly, then tackled you.

He placed his legs around your waist, a hungry look stretched onto his features.

"I got you!" he said triumphantly but turned serious.

Your chest pounded through your ribcage. Lucifer felt it and gently cupped your chest with one of his hands.

"I want you, Y/N," he said before lowering his head and peppering kisses against your neck. "It's almost as if you're begging for it when you gave me that duck."

My duck? Did that REALLY turn him on?

You take his hat off and run a hand through his hair. "Maybe I am."

He grinned against your neck, you could feel it. Lucifer continued kissing and nipping at your neck. While he did that, he began undressing you. First, it begins with your long-sleeved shirt. He unbuttoned it and groped your breasts, soon lifting it and dragging his tongue against your nipple. His hands clipped your bra off softly. Lucifer tossed it with an annoyed look as if it was the worst thing on the planet.

You giggled, loving his little action.

He enveloped your breast in his mouth and slithered his tongue around it. Lucifer's right hand focused on the other one, twisting your nipple. 

You sucked your bottom lip in, rubbing your legs together for some friction.

Lucifer moved his attention towards your lower half and put two fingers at the top of your pants. He yanked them down, revealing your underwear.

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