Vox x M!Reader ~ Fun to Romantic !

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"Ah! There's my man!" Your friend, Velvette, boomed when she pulled you into a hug.

Your lungs gave out when she squeezed you tightly. You weakly smiled, hugging back. When she let go, she pulled you right into their lounge area.

"How you holding up, hm?" she patted your hip. "My bitch boy is always so quiet."

You smirked, scratching your face. "It's been well. Your posts sure are entertaining."

Velvette laughed, giving you a quick wink. "What are you, a stalker?"

You made a face, laughing slightly. "No, no—"

"Quit talking!" She cut you off. "That was rhetorical! I'm going to show you around again."

She grabbed your hand, not waiting for your reply.

"What's up Val," she said when opening a door. "He's a bit busy right now."

Val towered over you, he looked about 10 feet tall. He gave you a smirk, adjusting his heart glasses.

You knew he was tall, but not this tall. You always watched him from afar.

"Y/N!" Val exclaimed, puffing his fluffy collar out. "So good to see you. Velvette has told me so much about you since we last talked. We should catch up after this, yeah?"

You wave a hand at him, making a scoffing sound. "No, Velvette must have not talked to you about me... right? Or are you just obsessed with me?"

You mumbled the last part to Velvette and she pointed the middle finger at you. You knew she loved you, platonically, of course. With a grin, you wrapped an arm around her shoulder.

"C'mon, Velvette," you teased. "Let's go and do what I came here for. Where's Vox?"

She huffed but copied your actions and led you away from Val.

"Vox is sitting on the couch watching something," she explained.

Occasionally, she would point at doors and name what was inside them. It was to remind you due to it being a couple of months since you last been here. The rooms included bathrooms, dressing rooms, sex rooms, and electronic rooms. They all somehow contributed to one of the Vees specialties.
Into the lounge room is where you guys went. It was huge. She led you to a door that had three V's on it.

Once in, you looked around. There was a huge TV and two couches accompanied by a chair. On the couch, there was a TV man.

That must be Vox, yeah?

Velvette pushed you into the chair and rested a hand on her hip.

"Hey, ya bitches should remember each other!" she signaled between the two of you with a hand.

Vox gave you a charming smile and said, "Pleased to see you after a few months."
You smiled awkwardly. "Yeah, sorry for disappearing. Been focused on stuff."

You fiddled with your thumbs.

"So, what did you do to pass the time?" Vox brought up, curious.

He always saw you with your once-in-a-while posts. It would either be you doing your hobby or just hanging out with Velvette.

You shook your head. "I'd rather not say."
He raised an eyebrow but shrugged it off. Velvette sat next to Vox on the couch, letting out a loud huff. She began to scroll on her phone.

The TV was playing a terrible stand-up comedy. A joke would pass by, causing Vox to laugh hysterically and point at it.

"Vox," you turn towards him. "This can't possibly be funny."

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