Vox x Reader ~ Tbh, When My Boss Is Mad It Turns Me On !?

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You were on your way to work, which was the Vees tower. You were currently one of Vox's personal assistants along with Papermint. As you walked by a bunch of TVs and Alastor's old radio station, a bunch of ruckus was heard from both sides.

What? Is Alastor back?

Being greeted by an angry Vox and Alastor radio voice, you slipped into the crowd. To be honest, why didn't any of the Vees take down Alastors radio station?

Vox scowled through the TV, his eye becoming hypnotic.

Shit. He will be EXTRA mad at me if I don't make it on the dot.

You scurried away, running towards the Tower. A few steps down, the area around you got dark. You assumed it was Vox's power outage, letting you know he was glitching out at this very moment. Clutching your backpack, you ran as fast as you could.

Soon, you got to the Tower. Everyone was mumbling and whispering, most likely gossiping about the situation. You went to your locker and shoved some of your stuff in, only keeping a clipboard and your ID card.

The elevator that led to Vox's place was luckily not out of order compared to the common ones. With a swipe of your ID card, you entered the elevator. It went up smoothly, but the electro music that usually played was glitching out.

A good rumble of the elevator got you back to your senses. You instantly gripped the nearest pole, worried that the elevator might fall. Maybe you should've taken the stairs, but that's way too long.

It came to a stop, the doors opening. You adjusted your outfit and stepped inside. The hellphone in your hand told you that you were 10 minutes earlier than when you had to be here.

Phew. I dodged a bullet.

Vox was there. A bunch of wires were connected to him. Right now, you saw that he was watching the hotel and sipping coffee.

"Hello," you cleared your throat. "Vox, sir. Are you okay?"

Vox turned his head towards you, the scowl you saw on the TV in the street still evident on his face.

He strained a chuckle. "Oh, Y/N, why are you late?"

A laugh escaped your lips.

"Sir, it's." You checked your phone. "4:20 pm."

"No, it's 4:37 pm," he snapped.

You gulped, putting your clipboard in between your body and arm to start rubbing your hands together anxiously.

"I..." you croaked, trying to explain yourself. "It must be the internet? The power did go off—"

Vox fumed, "I don't care! You have a fucking Vox watch and phone. Use it."

Your heart pounded through your ears, your whole body shaking as well. Usually, when you would be late, he would brush it off. You knew the Alastor encounter pissed him off. You tried to avoid eye contact with him and wrapped your tail around your leg. Vox leaned back on his chair. He spun around with an annoyed face.

"So, did you call in those electrical parts we needed for the new project I'm doing?" he changed the subject, his tone still pissy.

You ran a hand through your hair. "No, Sir, I had Papermint do that since I was sick last time I was here."

If you thought his frown couldn't deepen more, it did. He lifted a hand and signaled you to come closer to him. You did, holding the clipboard close to your chest.

"Well, I did start sketching out ideas for another project," you announced. "VR is becoming popular in the real world."

He just stared you down. Before you could show him your sketches, he grabbed your collar and shook you.

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