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"Mer?" Mark walked inside after Carolyn and Christopher had taken the kids home. A few days had passed, her physical therapist had working hard to get Meredith stronger which was uncomfortable but she was so determined to get stronger

"Hey." She forced a weak smile

"How are you feeling?" He stroke his fingers through her hair

"I'm tired. But it was nice to see the girls." She nodded. "Have you heard of Derek?"

"Not really but I'm sure he's okay." Mark nodded

"I think you should go see him. I'm pretty sure he's on the cliff in the old trailer." Meredith said as they had made it a place for the kids to play

"Mer.." Mark sighed

"Mark, please.." Meredith started to beg. "Please go see him. Please tell him he's not obligated to do this. I'd understand.."

"What do you mean? You don't want him to leave you, right?" Mark frowned

"Mark, just go talk to Derek and be there for him, please." Meredith muttered


Mark had been driving all the way to the cliff where he indeed found Derek in the trailer at the table with his computer and his phone

"Hey." Mark entered

"I found a solution." Derek quickly said

"Derek, your wife is terrified and you're hiding-" Mark started but got interrupted

"I found a place close to the rehab center where we can stay for a while so she can sleep at home. They are making the adjustments right now, it has 4 bedrooms so it's perfect with our girls." Derek explained and showed his laptop

"You gotta be kidding me, right?! Your wife is lying in a hospital bed thinking you're gonna leave her!" Mark said furious

"She what?" Derek looked up at his brother

"Get in my car, I'll drive you." Mark said

"I'll drive behind you." Derek shook his head and the two men left. While he was driving he kept thinking of how he could make Meredith feel at home with their family closeby

The two guys parked their car and made their way inside, heading straight to Meredith's room

"Hey-" Derek stepped inside, seeing her waking up

"Derek.." Meredith's emotions were all over the place as she saw her husband

"I found a way to get you home instead of at rehab." Derek started, feeling some odd distance between them, something they hadn't experienced yet

"Derek, if this is something Mark suggested.." She muttered, not able to look him into the eyes

"What? No! I want you home. I want you home with me and the kids." He frowned

"Maybe it's best if I stay at the rehab center. You don't need a baby to look after. Our house is so far from the hospital.." She looked away

"I found a house one street away from the hospital." He touched her cheek but felt her flinching. "You're not a baby, Mer."

His eyes softened, he saw his wife as she was about to shatter in 1000 pieces

"Please come home with us." Derek begged

Meredith closed her eyes, she felt tears welling up

"Please, we need you." Derek frowned at her lack of response

"It's not a good idea." Meredith shook her head, her fingers flinching

Derek grabbed her hand and started to massage it, seeing they weren't braced

"Please don't-" Meredith shook her head

"What happened? I know I was an ass, I should have come to you. I'm so, so sorry." Derek frowned

"I'm not the woman you married." She whispered

"You're still my Mer." Derek frowned but Meredith didn't respond. Instead she just kept her eyes closed, hoping she would start falling asleep

Derek was scared. He had seen her like this before but now they had kids, what if Meredith's mood wasn't reversible

"I mean it, Meredith." He sighed, brushing his hand over her arm

It was awkward for the both of them, they really had no idea what to say or what to do

"Hmm.." She muttered

"Oh Mer.." Derek sighed sadly. "I'm so sorry. I love you so much." He said, almost pleading for her to return those last words

"I love you too." Meredith whispered

AN: Thanks everyone for the ideas, I really really appreciate! ❤️ I hope to update soon but another week of work starts so I'm not gonna make promises

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