Another day at the beach

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Peace. Quite. Water. WATER?!?

I wake up just as Minho pours a cup of ice cold water onto my face. I sit up spitting the water out of my mouth and wiping my eyes. He laughs evilly.

"Was that really necessary?" I ask angrily.

"Yep." He says laughing pointing to a soaking wet Newt, Thomas and Teresa. They have angry expressions on their faces. Newt looks so adorable with his hair wet and messy a tiny smile manages to slip on to my face.

I grab Minhos shirt with my fist and I hold him down as I pour the cup of water I kept by my bed onto his face. He starts screaming like the little girl he is.

I hear the gang laughing. All but Minho. I think he's growling...

"That," I say "was necessary."


We hit the beach after we all had showered, brushed our teeth (and hair), changed and eaten breakfast. The beach is a little more crowded than it was last nice but it wasn't super bad. There were maybe 50 other people on the beach which is really good since the beach is so long and spread out.

We immediately go to the water. I think that's our thing now, water. I mean we all love it, other than having it poured on our faces. its one of the things all of us like to do. I smile. I love these guys.

Teresa brought us these little boggie boards. We use them as floating devices as we go into the water. Where we are right now I can't touch. I used to surf. This is the next best thing.

"This is amazing." Teresa tells me."Ya," I say smiling. "It really is." The five of us paddle out a little farther where the waves are a little bigger. The feeling is great. There's salt in my face, the wind is blowing through my hair and my friends are by my side. I feel a hand on my shoulder and look up to see newt. "Hi." I say.
"Hi." He says smiling. He has that look in his eye that makes me want him so much. I lean up towards him and he kisses me on the lips. I feel myself smiling harder and kissing him back. I taste salt. His eyes lit up like a child on Christmas and I laugh. He gives me a questioning look and I run my fingers through his hair.

"All right love birds, let's head back. I'm starving." Minho says.
We all begin our way back. It takes us about 10 minutes to paddle back. When we get back to the beach we head towards the house. I change out of my bathing suit that's currently covered in water and sand and into a pair of Jean shorts and a lime green tank top. I put my hair into a bun on the top of my head and throw on a pair of blue sandals.

Once we've regrouped we decide to head into the little town we are staying in. We end up stoping at a little shop in the middle. It takes us a few minutes to realize it's a Panera bread because there were no signs. I order a cup of soup and a half sandwich. The five of us sit in a booth. The place is basically deserted.
"So, what do you guys think so far?" Teresa asks.
"This place is. so. Cool." Minho says.
"Ya." I agree. Every one nods. Suddenly a small TV in the corner of the building catches my eye.
Shark attack. In North Carolina I point to it and my friends eyes follow it. I gulp. They have worried looks in there eyes.

"G-guys, that could n-never happen." Thomas says nervously.
"Yeah," Newt says "t-that happened in North Carolina , w-we are in Florida."
"C-completely different." Thomas says.
I nod. I can't let this bother me. I finish my food and we walk back to the house.

We decide to stay at the house for the rest of the day. I think all of us are secretly scared about the shark attack. We hang out in the basement and Teresa brings out a game of monopoly so we all decide to play. It takes about an hour but of corse, I win. We hang out for a few more hours, just talking and all that stuff.

I hear the door creak open. Teresa's mom steps in the room where the five of us just finished a game of ten fingers.
"Hi!" We say in unison.
"Dinners ready." She says smiling.
I pick up the sweatshirt I had taken off and set on the couch and sling it over my shoulder.

For dinner we have pasta. Teresa's mom is a very good cook. We finish eating quickly and decide to watch the fault in our stars. At some point during the movie I fell asleep and when I wake up I'm in newts lap. I keep my eyes closed. I feel a tear drop on my arm and I snuggle closer to his chest as hazel cries over her dead boyfriend and I watch with mine.

*hi guys! Thanks for reading! I hope you enjoyed it! Sorry for such a long chapter! Any ideas on names for a new character? I thought I might add in a few new ones! Thanks!*

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