fifth chapter

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Let's start 😚😘 ...........

One the other side ...........

In theerapanyakul family home ........
Everyone was in dinning room have breakfast .........

Khun........ Daisy eat your breakfast completely ...... Don't leave the egg it's important .......

Daisy......... Pa you know I don't like egg but still you always give me ......

Top........ Because it's have proteins baby .......

Daisy......... Dad please .......

Top........ No heath is important .....

Daisy......... Fine ....

Porsche....... Why Pai and veni is still not here .......

Day......... Relax uncle ... I wake them up they will be here .......

Porsche........ Thank you baby .....

Kinn........ Porsche baby my coffee ☕ ?

Pete........ Here p'kinn ..... Alpha here your coffee ☕ too .......  Why they are still not here ??

Porsche....... they will come ......

Vegas......... Princess eat this ..... ( While having pairs on his lap )

Paris........ Daddy noooo ... I'm full ....

Vegas....... Baby you didn't eat even a little ..... Okay here last one for daddy .

Paris........ Okay ...... But last .....

earth........ P'wik please pass the milk ...
P'wik ....

Kim........ Here baby earth ( while giving milk to earth ) ..... Wik are you out of your mind .... Earth was calling you .....

Wik........ Sorry dad ..... Earth you call me ??

Earth....... It's okay p'wik ... I was asking for milk but uncle Kim give me so it's okay .......

Wik........ Sorry I was talking to my friend ......

Parpai......... Good morning everyone ...

Everyone....... Good morning .....

Venice......... Good morning beautiful theerapanyakul omegas ........

Vegas........ Idiot .....

Pete........ Alpha did you said something ??

Vegas....... No ... Sweetheart I was talking to pairs ......

Pete......... Good ..... Good morning pup good morning baby ......

Both get sit on dinning table and Porsche and Pete give them their breakfast ...... But Vegas and kinn both notice that Pai and veni both are looking at each other strangely but didn't said anything and wait .......

Parpai......... Pa today you looking beautiful .... And papete you too .....

Pete........ Ooohhh thank you baby ......

Vegas understand the situation but kinn was still looking ........

Parpai........ Pa today breakfast is different but good ......

Vegas......... We always have this breakfast ..... Parpai son .....

Parpai........ Yes dad vee .... Ha haha ....

Venice........ ( Get close to Pai ) Just say the main thing Pai

Parpai....... You think it's easy ?

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