27 chapter

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let's start 😚😚 .......................

in dinner kean tell lian about rain accept venice first lian get worried but than he think that it will be okay if rain will be with his alpha ......

lian....... rain son after dinner come to library room please ....
( while getting up from chair )

rain............... okay dad lian ......

sky................. pa did something happened ?
( after lian left )

kean....... no baby it's nothing like that.

sky................... than what dad Have to talk to rain ?

rain.................. sky maybe it's about my aunt ....

Kean........ it's not .... rain he have something else to talk to you but it's nothing serious .... trust me ..

Rain.................. I do ... I'm done ...
( get up to go to meet Lian )

Sky..................... pa please at least tell me what is it ?

Kean....... it's about him accepting his alpha... I mean Venice theerapanykal ..

Sky..................... is dad upset about it ?

Kean....... no why would he ? .... Sky it's just he want to confirm that rain is not force to accept it ....

Sky...................... rain not ... pa rain tell me is like Venice ...

Kean....... I know even Lian know this too but now he have take rain's responsibility so it is his responsibility that rain is all fine and happy with this ....

Sky....................... I get it ..... well pa is dad okay with me having theerapanykal's elder son as my alpha ?

Kean........ he is happy because kinn and Vegas is his best friends for a long time and he know them very well ....

Sky........................ well sounds good ....

Kean...... you happy with having parpai theerapanykal as your alpha ?

Sky........................ well he is handsome and hot so it's not going to good to not accept him ....

Kean....... ooh well I also accept your dad because he was handsome too so it's good to hear that my son is like me

Sky........................ of course i am your son after all ......

In library room rain get in and saw Lian sitting on a big couch in front of big window while having something in his hands ......

Rain..................... uncle ?

Lian......... you come .... come here son .. you come on the time i was looking at your parents picture ... see
( give rain his parents picture.. rain take it and feel himself crying )
We was in college when we became friends hahah haha that time was like a dream .. I didn't just find a good friend but a brother .. you know i always tell him that if one day after we getting our kids and i have a alpha son than I'm going to take his omega son or daughter as my son or daughter on this he always laughed and say that if i didn't get alpha son still i can have his fon as my son .......... in his last time he hold my hand and said that ...... please never force my son for anything always ask him if he want it or not because his father always force him to do everything which he never want .. that was the only reason why i always listen to you whenever you say you want to be with them i always leave you with them even when i shouldn't ... please never hate me for leaving you there all alone on your own ....
( by now Lian was also get emotional and tears start falling from his eyes making rain to cry louder )

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