28 chapter

831 31 4

Let's start 😘😘 .......................

Pete.................. alpha not now please ... Paris just sleep she will be up ....

Vegas................ I know my princess she will not .....

Pete................... but alpha ...

Vegas................. please omega just one round .....

Pete.................... I know your ONE ROUND ... so no ....

Vegas.................. okay but in one condition ...

Pete...................... which condition ?

Vegas.................... if you tell me what is in your mind and why you always look lost whenever anyone talk about rain ...

Pete...................... alpha .... I don't know why but when i saw rain i feel weird like everytime i feel like i know him or he have something related to me ... I ... i just don't know why but when i hug him that day i feel ... I feel like i hug someone i have known for years ..

Vegas.................... that's it ?

Pete...................... alpha i'm not lieing ...

Vegas.................... I know that you don't have to say this sweetie and i also understand what and how you feeling so relax .... Pete you know nothing about your family right ?

Pete........................ no .. grandma never told me anything ....
( pout and Vegas quality kiss him but softly and get back ). Alpha ?

Vegas...................... sorry baby but you was looking cute with pout ... okay okay ok don't get angry because i have  solution for your this weird feeling ....

Pete....................... really ? What is it ?

Vegas.................... we are going to meet grandma and going to ask her about your family first .......

Pete....................... alpha me feeling weird with rain and asking grandma about my family isn't it's two different things ?

Vegas..................... Pete it's not just you who feel weird but i also ... actually when i first saw rain he look so similar to you ... you know i ask Lian about his parents and he told me that his parents dead when he was just 6 years old and also that his father tharn was having two siblings one his elder sister and second his younger brother was die right after born and this is the thing which get my attention ......

Pete...................... poor baby was so in pain but alpha why it's get your attention ?

Vegas................... I also don't know but i think grandma can help us ...

Pete...................... okay than but when we are going to leave ?

Vegas.................... day after tomorrow ..

Pete....................... day after tomorrow .. you mean Friday ?

Vegas.................... yes I all ready book the tickets and it's night flight .....

Pete....................... it's good because i also miss grandma and Paris also miss her .. wait alpha we are taking Paris with us right ?

Vegas..................... of course I can't live without my two heartbeats .....

Pete........................ oh Venice is also coming ?

Vegas..................... NO who said he can come with us ..

Pete........................ but alpha you just said you can't live without your two heartbeats ....

Vegas....................... oh I mean it's you and Paris without who i can't live and you both are my heartbeats ...

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