33 chapter

892 41 4

Let's start 😘😘 ....................

First in morning Vegas was sitting in in front garden when a car stop there and max come out of it ....

Vegas................ You late ....

Max.......... Sorry Khun Vegas but your house is little far from city but here i take everything you need .....

Vegas................... Good ... And by now you don't need to worry about it ....

Max.......... I know it Khun Vegas but still ......

Vegas.................... Don't worry max we will make sure that your name didn't come in .....

Max.......... Thanks for that but they are hiding somewhere and it's not easy to find them .....

Vegas...................... Like i told you max relax .... Come have breakfast ....

Max......... No i will take my leave now ... But still if you need any help than tell me please ....

Vegas..................... Why not .....
( Max left from there while Vegas get in and went to Venice's room ... He unlock the and saw Venice hugging rain like his life depend on him ... He can feel his son's pain which he gets by knowing about his omega suffering this much ... He slowly touch rain's forehead like a father and Venice's too than out the file on side table and left from there )

Pete................. Baby wear this too ....

Paris.......... No i don't like colour pa ....

Pete................. What ? Paris Vegas theerapanykal colour is not important to wear clothes ....

Paris.......... But Paris Vegas theerapanykal hate pink .....

Pete................. What the ......

Paris......... Bad word ... Pa said a bad word .....

Pete................. No i didn't ...

Paris......... Yes you did pa ....

Vegas................ What my princess and queen is doing ?

Paris......... Daddy pa said a bad word ...

Pete................... No I didn't ....

Paris.......... Pa did ....

Pete.................... No pa didn't ....

Vegas.................. Okay okay okay .. let's stop fighting for now and Princess don't worry pa is going to get his punishment of saying bad word at night ... Okay ?

Paris........ Okay ....

Pete..................... Vegas ....
( Vegas said that while looking at Pete from head to toe with smirk ... And it's look like Pete understand his husband's thoughts )
Don't you dare to think ..... And here make your princess to wear this shirt .

Vegas................... Pink ? Pete Paris don't look good in pink .....

Paris......... Yes and also Paris don't like this colour too .....

Pete..................... Vegas she's just a kid she should wear other colours too other than blue and black ...

Paris......... But blue and black is my favourite colours ....

Pete..................... But baby you should wear this colour too it's look so good on girls ....

Paris.......... NO ....
( Screaming no Paris hide behind in father while Vegas look at Pete with saying please not now eyes so Pete give up on making his daughter to wear pink )

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