3 | I see a little silhouetto of a gay

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It's late in the evening and I'm still at the record store, categorizing the inventory according to genre and artist. Warm, sultry air blows in through the open window. Summers here are hot and humid.

I flip open a record of 'Bohemian Rhapsody' to listen to while I sort. Going over to the listening station, I gently place the vinyl on the platter, lining up the two spindle holes. I lower the clamp and lift the tonearm over the edge of the record, positioning the stylus above the outer groove.

I don't remember much of my parents except that they loved music. They used to dance around this record store when I was young. They taught me how to handle the vinyls with care, holding them by the edges to avoid touching the grooves. I started humming along to music before I could even speak.

The song starts playing and I sing along as I sweep the floor. Part of me wants to dance with the broom, but I'm sure Oma can hear my thoughts from upstairs. Not that she'd judge me. When you grow up in a town where you can hear everyone's thoughts, you learn to accept people for who they are.

I start singing along with the record. "I see a little silhouetto of a man."

Scaramouche, Scaramouche, will you do the Fandango?

Ethan's voice drifts in from outside. I'm not sure whether he's singing aloud or whether I'm hearing his thoughts.

I go over to the window and lean out. Ethan hovers by the foliage.

"Oh, Lukas? What are you doing here?" He feigns nonchalance, propping up an elbow and leaning against the shrubbery. Of course, it's just shrubbery so he falls right through it.

I go outside as he's picking himself up, dusting dirt off the back of his blue Levi's. I can't believe he's literally stalking me and pretending like he wasn't expecting to find me here. I see a little silhouetto of a gay. "I work here, remember?"

"Oh right, right, of course." He nods vigorously. I hope I fell in a somewhat cool way and not like, in a completely lame way.

I crack a smile. I don't think flailing into the bushes can possibly look suave. "Hot night," I remark.

"Hot?" Ethan's voice lilts up in a near squeak. Oh my god, Lukas is so hot. He's so close to me, I can almost—

I take a step back on instinct. I hadn't realized I was standing that close. "It's warm," I reiterate.

"Ah yes...that's why I came outside." He flaps his arms around, gesticulating wildly. "For the breeze. I was just...taking a walk when I heard you." I saw the light on and came to check on you. It's late.

"I'm just finishing up. I had a few records to sort through, but I'm pretty much done now." Too late, I realize I had replied to his thoughts and not his words.

Is Lukas...hinting that he's done with work and he wants to hang out for a while??? Ethan blinks up at me. "The town looks beautiful at night." I would love to see it with him.

I shift my eyes away. "It does."

When I look back, Ethan is lost in thought. He isn't staring at me for once, his head tipped back to the stars. Dark hair falls over dark eyes, curling at the nape of his neck. Brambleburg is beautiful. There's something special about this place...it's almost magical.

I smile at how right he is. Everyone here has lived here their whole lives. They're so accustomed to it that they never really stop to think about how beautiful it is anymore. I love how Ethan came from the world outside and saw the beauty in our little Forgotten Hollow. He sees it with fresh eyes, and I want to see it like how he does.

"I want to show you something." I say it fast, before my brain can stop my mouth. I'm so used to communicating with my mind that I forget Ethan can't hear my thoughts. My words have only ever been abrupt. I've never needed them before.

"What is it?" When he turns to me his eyes are still dreamy from staring at the stars.

"It's...nothing much really." I hook a thumb into my pocket. The words I'm thinking feel silly to say aloud. "I can show you around Main Street...and then...there's an overlook, if you're interested in that sort of thing." My parents used to take me there to look at the city from above. I haven't been there since...but you seem like you would appreciate it's beauty.

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