13 | a silly goofy time

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I jolt awake, gasping. Fear strikes through me, hot as a blade. My life flashes before my eyes. Visceral. Panicked. A bright green light swings over my head.

Ethan dissolves into laughter. He's brandishing a fucking lightsaber around. It glows a neon green against the dark sky.

"What the actual fuck?"

"Dude, you should've seen the look on your face." He snorts, dancing around with it after he scared me out of my wits.

"It's the middle of the night! What's wrong with you?"

Whatever sentimental feelings I had towards him the night before are long gone. I feel no fondness towards Ethan Langdon.

"It's almost dawn! Look!" He points towards the soft glow starting to illuminate the clouds. "I thought we could watch the sunrise together."

"No fucking way man, I'm going back to sleep."

He giggles. "Aw come on. You're already awake." Lukey sounds so cute when he swears! He's like a grumpy little sleepy bunny.

My irritation with him increases tenfold at the comparison. And at the nickname. Lukey. "No I'm not. I'm heading back to bed. And if you do that again, I'll throw you out the freaking balcony."

"Hmm...." Ethan peeps over the railing.

"What are you doing?"

"Checking how high the drop is to see if it's worth it."

I throw my pillow at him and he catches it deftly, grinning. I groan as I realize I now have no pillow.

"Why do you even have a lightsaber anyway?"

He pokes me with his massive green stick. "The question is, why don't you?"

"Why would I want one? You're going to stab someone's eye out with that thing." I eye it warily. "And by someone I mean me."

He ignores me, going off on a tangent. "You should get a red one! We could have lightsaber fights. You'd be a Sith Lord of course. And I'd be Yoda."

I sigh, pulling myself up to a sitting position. Dreams of going back to sleep dissipate in the face of Ethan's ramblings. His eyes are bright, lashes coated in morning dew.

"Are you one of those...godawful morning people?"

He plops down beside me, grinning. "Of course. I awaken with the sun." Aww, I guess Lukas isn't a morning person...but he's so cute when grumpy. I sort of want to wake him up everyday. Like...just to be annoying...of course.

I press the heels of my hands beneath my eyes, trying to get the blood circulation going. Why does Ethan want to irritate me so badly?

He rests his chin on one hand, crossing the other over his knees. His thoughts shift and churn as fast as the clouds speeding across the sky. Everyone should have a personal theme song that plays when they enter a room...like Darth Vader.

The feathery clouds turn pink and orange. Ethan gazes up at them like he's ruminating over something important. But I know he's trying to decide what his song should be. His brows draw together as he drags a finger over his lips.

Why does he look so good when doing that?

"Oh by way, I listened to that record you sold me! The one you said you liked," he says brightly. The record shattered as soon as I tried to jam it into the player. Why is it so inconvenient? "I really liked it too." I listened to like half the song on Spotify.

I glare at him. "Yeah. I'm sure you enjoyed it." Why can't he just be a decent human being?

"I did!" He nods enthusiastically, curls falling over his eyes. "I really liked the, uh—" What would sound smart here? "The frequency of the sound waves." Yes! Perfect! I sound like a musical maestro.

"I liked the lyrics." Why are his thoughts so cute and yet so dumb?

"Oh yeah! The lyrics were great too!" I should google them. "Hey imagine if songs were all sung in reverse, and we had to decipher the lyrics by playing them backward. It's like the ultimate musical mystery unraveling!"

He smiles then, and it summons the sun like radiant dawn. It shoots all these inane questions through my mind. Absurdly infatuated things that I don't have an answer to. Like why is his smile so stupidly gorgeous? And why is he so gorgeously stupid?

And then a thought hits me like the sound wave in a rising sonata. Music builds into a cresendo as Ethan hums an annoying tune in his mind.

And it feels too fast but I feel like I know him inside and out. I can name all his favourite books and feel his heart thumping when he glances my way. I can tell when he's about to laugh and it makes me crack a smile even before he does. I can see the whole universe through his eyes and it has never looked so beautiful to me.

I'm in love with Ethan Langdon.

And I can't get him out of my head.

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Can't Get You Out of My Head (please get out of my head I'm begging) (bxb)Where stories live. Discover now