5 | let's put Ethan next door at the bookstore for the sin of convenience

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I sit behind the counter of the record store, tapping my fingers on the wooden table. Ethan is hovering just outside the door, trying to decide whether to come in or not.

He's been standing out there for the past twenty minutes.

"Why don't you just go put him out of his misery?" Isabella says from where she is tinkering with the listening booth.

"I'm hoping he'll leave." I don't really want him to leave.

Isabella throws me a knowing look. You think you can keep a secret in Brambleburg?

"It's not like that!" I exclaim, repeating the words loudly in my head for added effect. It's just...embarrassing to hear Ethan's thoughts when I know my grandma is also listening.

She shrugs. "I just want to talk to him about the bookstore. I can leave if you want some alone time."

"I don't! Stay here!" I almost fall out of my chair in my haste to rush to the door. I throw it open, bells jangling wildly.

"Lukas!" Ethan starts, jumping out of his skin. Did he know I was out here? His face is so red—so cute! And sweaty. He's panting like he ran a half marathon....

"What is it, Ethan?" I exhale loudly, composing myself.

Before he can come up with an excuse to be here, Isabella calls out to him. "Ethan? I've been wanting to talk to you."

"Hi Isabella!" He beams at her as he walks into the store. "What's up?"

"Have you seen the bookshop next door? It's been closed for ages since I retired." Isabella sighs. "It used to double as a library as well, but now the poor townsfolk have to make do with reading Wattpad on their phones."

"That's awful!" Ethan gasps. Is this the only bookstore in town?

"Now, I don't know if you're interested in books, Ethan," of course he is, I have the most fantastic ideas, "but I really do need someone behind the counter, at least temporarily."

"Yeah." He nods. Does she need my help finding someone? I don't really know anyone here. Well, except Lukas, but he already has a job...and I know Mr. Müller, but he's like really old....

"I mean you, Ethan," Isabella explains patiently. "I think you would be a great fit."

"Oh!" His eyes widen. That sounds amazing actually. "Yeah I would love to, I—" Ethan glances at me, a little unsurely. But I don't think Lukas would like me working there. He looks upset. "I, uh..." he stammers, biting his lip. I think my constant hanging around bothers him. I would just be in his way.

"You can start today!" The words rush out and I draw in a sharp breath. How can Ethan be so perceptive without even having the ability to read minds? "If you're free, that is? I can, um, show you around the store...."

Ethan beams so bright that it summons the sun. I really thought he didn't want me here. "Yeah...yeah I can start today."

I try to smile too, though I know it can't match his own. I've never bothered with being expressive because everyone already knows what I'm thinking, and my mood at any given time. But I suppose my poker face would seem to Ethan like I'm upset. I am ashamed to admit I didn't really like the idea of him working here at first.

"Okay, then it's settled." Isabella claps her hands together. "I'll give you the key and Lukas will take you there and explain what's to be done."


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Can't Get You Out of My Head (please get out of my head I'm begging) (bxb)Where stories live. Discover now