Day 2: Solitary Confinement - Sit and Wait

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Summary: Arthur's finds out about merlin's magic and confines him to his room.


"Arthur please, just, listen to me!" Merlin pleaded as he struggled to stay on his feet. Arthur had a tight hold of his tunic's front and was briskly marching him forward. Merlin was surprised—though happily so if he was being honest—when Arthur hadn't immediately headed for the dungeons. Or in fact, used the sword at his side to strike him down there and then for his body to succumb and crumble like the deceased assassin currently in the throne room. Dead before he could kill Arthur. Dead by magic, Merlin's.

No, he was taking Merlin towards Gaius' chambers.

Arthur didn't slow his pace nor loosen his grip on the tunic. Once passed his small chamber's threshold, Arthur threw him into it. Merlin collided right into his bed, the bottom corner hitting his knee. Merlin groaned and scrambled to regain his balance and turn around. Just in time to see Arthur slamming his door in his face.

He was... stunned, and silent for a long moment. He wasn't quite sure what that meant for him. Arthur had dragged him off while everyone was still processing what could have been the death of their monarch. Had anyone other than Arthur actually seen him? Merlin didn't care if they had, Arthur's reaction confounded him. Why his bed chamber?

Checking the door; it was left unlocked. He opened it and scanned Gaius' workroom, empty and cloaked in shadow with the candles all out. Merlin shut the door and stared at the latch. His brain was a fog of not understanding. He could leave. He could disappear without anyone finding out until he was long gone and had covered his tracks. Disappear into the woods and go live with the druids. Was that what Arthur wanted? For him to leave without a word or a trace so he wouldn't have to deal with him.

Merlin wouldn't do that. He'd rather face the consequences of his actions than take the coward's way out. Maybe that was the test a foot. In any case, Merlin went and sat cross-legged on his bed. The quiet of his room was suffocating. He needed something to do, he couldn't sit here and not use his hands for something, anything. All Arthur's armour was in Arthur's chamber so he couldn't go fetch it to polish. He couldn't be bothered to clean up his room. He resolved himself to lean over and pull out his spell book. He didn't open it, just stared at it.

Would Arthur act as if it never happened or would he interrogate Merlin about his magic? To him there was no turning back from what had happened, so he might as well metaphorically rip the bandage right off this festering wound he'd been keeping quiet for so long. He draped a spare blanket over the book. When—If—Arthur came back he didn't want to shock him right off the bat with even more proof of his magic. He'd ease him into it. He just hoped he'd be allowed to explain himself.

Merlin (TV BBC) - Febuwhump 2024 / Mini Fic ChallengeWhere stories live. Discover now