Day 7: Suffering In Silence - Silence of an Oath

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"Come to hear my warnings only to ignore them to suit your own needs," Kilgharrah spoke loudly and condescending before Merlin had even turned the corner into the cavern.

"I did what was right," Merlin said, defensive, "he's just a kid, I couldn't let him die!"

Kilgharrah's stare was fierce and rooted Merlin where he stood. Something like understanding flashed in his eyes but it was quickly wiped away with coldness. "For one so small your compassion is great, but it will be your undoing."

"You would have me have the blood of a child on my hands?!" Merlin shouted, he was tired of this game, of this same conversation he had been having with Kilgharrah since Mordred walked into Camelot.

The silence was oppressing as Kilgharrah seemed unmoved by the prospect of an innocent life tossed away because he deemed it necessary.

"Destiny is fickle, ever-changing," he said, speaking as if Merlin never spoke in the first place, "there are points which are fixed. You must promise me this, young warlock. To get back on your destiny's right course. To do this you must never speak of the druid boy Mordred to Arthur, to anyone, ever again!"

Merlin couldn't breathe. He felt the magic, the power of Kilgharrah's words in the air. He was making Merlin take an oath. "But..."

"Sweat it!' Kilgharrah shouted, his voice reverberating in the echoes of the cavern. "You must get back on destiny's right path or you will have doomed us all. Swear it!"

Merlin covered his ears and yelled, "I swear to never speak of Mordred ever again!"

The oath was sealed.


The oath hadn't bothered Merlin, for a long while. He'd nearly forgotten about it. That is until Mordred went and became a Knight of the Round Table. He got to sit at Arthur's side while Merlin was left standing behind him.

Mordred smiled his snake-like smile, smirked at Merlin from afar, and whispered in Arthur's ear. His lips far too close, lingering, and Arthur didn't push him away. In fact, he'd seek Mordred out for his company instead of Merlin's like he had done for the past almost decade. Merlin had to serve them when Arthur invited him to dine with him, had to watch them laugh together, not involving him like he was invisible. Like all he was was a servant.

When Mordred and Arthur started disappearing off into the woods alone together; Merlin could only act as if he were blind to their courtship. Act like his heart wasn't breaking.

He couldn't tell Arthur his suspicions about Mordred and his intentions with Arthur, how they couldn't forget how close Mordred had been to Morgana...

He had checked, there were no spells, no curses bending Arthur's mind. It was all by the king's own free will.

Merlin screamed into his pillow at night, especially the nights he'd see Mordred sneak into Arthur's bed chamber once Merlin had left.

Merlin couldn't say anything. Lips sealed by an oath forced on him.

No doom on them all at the cost of Merlin's heart.

Merlin (TV BBC) - Febuwhump 2024 / Mini Fic ChallengeWhere stories live. Discover now