Day 5: Rope Burns - Not The Normal Wake Up

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Summary: Merlin doesn't wake up Arthur like he normally does. He has his reasons he can't express with words.


Merlin didn't mean to drop the tray down so hard. He didn't mean for the carafe to topple and spill water all over the floor, making an even bigger racket. He flinched as the noise pierced his ears and banged harder at his growing headache. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Arthur bolt up in bed, surprised out of sleep. Just what Merlin needed right now, a going-to-be-grouchy-Arthur first thing in the morning.

"I know you like to get creative with your wakeups but that was plain callous Merlin," Arthur whined as he stretched out his shoulders. His body was bare from the waist up, his sheets keeping his modesty intact. If it were any other day Merlin would have looked his fill but not today. He was just tired, and he was hurting. Again.

Uncharacteristically, Merlin didn't say anything. No retort, nothing. He went to the side cabinet where he kept a few rags for moments like these when he needed to clean something quickly.

He was dead on his feet and didn't think when he bent down on his hands and knees to start mopping up the spill. His jacket was missing this morning, forgetting it from lack of sleep, so his tunic sleeves rose up over his wrists while he reached out.

"How did you get those?!" Arthur's voice was suddenly so close by it made Merlin jump and look up in shock. Arthur was standing over him, his bare feet in the puddle. His beautiful blue eyes however were trained on Merlin's wrists. When Merlin didn't say anything, Arthur crouched and took Merlin's hands in his own, surprisingly gentle about it. "Merlin, tell me how you got these," Arthur asked again, his voice gone serious, his touch tender as he rubbed his thumb over Merlin's knuckles and his eyes filled with a mix of rage and worry.

Merlin was floored for a few seconds, not really taking in what was happening. His brain was too fogged up with what happened last night when he'd felt another one of his funny feelings before going to bed. He'd followed it, and... Merlin recoiled at the memory, mentally and physically. Arthur's hands gripped his a bit more firmly but still gently, his fingers not going anywhere near the rope burns around his wrists.

"Please, talk to me," Arthur pleaded, and Merlin's walls all came crumbling down. A single tear escaped from Merlin's eye and ignoring the puddle under them Arthur tugged him close, pulling him into his lap and his arms.

"It's all right, I've got you," Arthur whispered into his hair and Merlin let the sobs abscond quietly into Arthur's shoulder. "I've always got you. I'm sorry for whatever happened to you, Merlin, but you're safe now. You don't have to tell me until you're ready."

Merlin cried until he could barely see from how puffy his eyes were, Arthur wiping his tears away and held him close. He wasn't ready to tell him, not yet. He promised himself he would. Everything. Right now, he enjoyed the rare closeness he was sharing with his once and future king.

Merlin (TV BBC) - Febuwhump 2024 / Mini Fic ChallengeWhere stories live. Discover now