Day 3: "Bit down on this"

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Summary: Merlin and Arthur are trapped in a cell and three men enter, ready to take Merlin away.


Three thugs came into their cell. Arthur's hold around his chest tightened, pressing Merlin to his chest so close he could imagine becoming one with Arthur any moment now.

"I won't let you hurt him!" Arthur declared; his voice strong despite how exhausted he must be. Merlin's head lolled off Arthur's shoulder, hanging limply over his own shoulder. He couldn't see the men at this angle, a mercy as well as worrisome. He still wanted to protect Arthur even in his drugged-addled state.

"You don't get a say in anything that happens around here, Your Highness," the guy sneered at Arthur. The two other men advance on Arthur, easily grabbing his attempts at punches and pulling his arms behind him while the one who spoke ripped Merlin away from his embrace. Arthur cursed and spat at the men, struggling with all the energy he could muster, desperate to get Merlin away from them. All for naught when the proclaimed leader dragged Merlin by a single arm and to the altar a few steps away in from of their cell. Arthur was pushed back down to the ground so the other two could get out and lock him back in. He scrambled up to the bars and watched it all unfold, unable to do anything.

The leader threw Merlin atop a solid stone altar, covered in runes and carved patterns. He strapped Merlin down onto it; his wrists, his ankles, one over his forehead, and a last one over his hips. Merlin could hear Arthur pleading for them to stop, to not do what they were about to it, but it fell on deaf ears.

These were no ordinary thugs, nothing like the bandits he and Arthur often came across while out on patrols or hunts. No these were power-hungry men with a thirst for magic.

"I'd bit down on this if I were you," the man said once he was done with the straps and easily pried Merlin's jaw open and shoved an old piece of leather. Whatever they had given him it had been like a liquid equivalent of cold iron, his magic was out of reach and his whole body felt disconnected from his mind.

Arthur was now screaming his name when all three men began to chant and the pendant—they had earlier placed on him after removing his tunic—at Merlin's jugular notch began to burn and sear into his skin. He did bite down into the leather, but it barely withstood the clench of his teeth as he too screamed until he had no more air to scream.

"No! Merlin! Merlin!" was the last thing he heard before the pain erupted so bad he blanked out into blissful nothing of limbo.

Merlin (TV BBC) - Febuwhump 2024 / Mini Fic ChallengeWhere stories live. Discover now