Becoming Trainers

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(Trash of the Count and Pokemon are not mine. One of my favourite amv.
-poke speech-

Gary was humming as he wiped his Pokemon egg, "I can't wait for you to join us."

Cale watched him from where he was cuddling Raon, Hong and Ohn, "You look excited."

Gary grinned, "Gramps said the heart beat is stronger so this little fella will be born soon."

Ash was sitting with Riolu on his lap, "That is awesome Gary. I am so excited."

Riolu, -Me too.-

Hong, "Cale, look."

Ohn, "The egg."

Raon, "Hatching."

Gary's eyes widened when he realized they were talking about his poke egg and sat down holding it. Ash and Cale pulled their Pokemon close to them waiting in excitement as the poke egg started to crack and glow. When the glow died down, in front of them was a very fluffy looking pony that stared at Gary. Gary was speechless and patted the soft fluffy hair on the Ponyta who cooed and nuzzled Gary who giggled. Professor Oak though looked like he was having a hard time controlling his own reaction. The man looked torn between laughing hysterically to looking really close to hunting down who ever abandoned the Galarian Ponyta's poke egg.

Cale pulled the Professor's coat, "Are you alright Professor?"

Samuel turned to him looking very serious, "Cale, can you show me where you found these poke eggs in the first place?"

Cale blinked then nodded, "Sure, it's not that far from here to be honest."

Ash, "Can I come too? Please?"

Samuel hummed to himself, "Well, I suppose it is fine as long as we stay close to each other and Gary does need to bond with his new Pokemon."

Cale nodded heading to Gary, "Gary, we will give you and the Galarian Ponyta privacy."

Gary pat Ponyta who was staring at Cale warily, "I think that will be the best. He is wary."

Ash smiled hopefully, "Introduce us to him later?"

Gary nodded, "Definitely!"

Samuel nodded at the plans in approval and then ushered Ash and Cale outside the latter guiding them to the place he had originally found the poke eggs. It was further down the usual road then he had originally expected. Samuel looked around the area, it had a very old beaten road, rarely used by trainers now, making it a good hiding spot to get rid of any unwanted baggage. The older man had a very controlled look on his face as he tried to keep his calm while he looked around the area. It may have been a long time since he was a trainer but he never forgot the things he learned to survive in a forest. Samuel was pretty sure there were people who had arrived in the area long before Cale did.

Ash whispered, "The Professor looks serious."

Cale nodded agreeing, "He values the bonds between Pokemon and humans a lot. So, the fact someone probably abandoned their Pokemon would make him angry."

Ash puffed up, "Well, I do not like people who abandon Pokemon either."

Cale pat the raven haired boy's hair chuckling a bit, "No one likes people who betray others. It is only natural."

Samuel got up, "Let's go back."

Cale, "Did you find what you were looking for Professor?"

Samuel, "Yes, I wish I had not."

Ash's face fell holding Riolu closer to himself, "So, someone did abandon my Ruby."

Cale, "Ruby? Is that what you want to name her?"

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