The City of Psychics

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(Trash of the Count and Pokemon are not mine.
-poke speech-

Cale returned to the area with the Scyther, "Ah! You all are still here."

A Scyther with an X - scar approached him, "Scy scy scyther."

Raon looked at the group, "They say they were waiting for us Dad."

Hong nodded, "They wanted to thank you Dad."

Ohn purred, "They are really grateful for the help."

Cale, "Huh? But I was only doing what was right, you know?"

Another Scyther with large blades approached Cale, "Scy scy scyther scy."

Raon grinned, "These two are the leaders of the group and they wish to give you two poke eggs."

Cale, "Wait, are you serious? Pokemon eggs are actually rare you know."

The Scyther with the large blades stared then nodded at another female who nodded and left for a bit. Raon was now talking with the two older Scythers who looked very amused by the young Pokemon's curiosity. The female returned with two Scythers holding two poke eggs that they gave Cale who took the eggs wordlessly. He stared at the Scyther egg then bowed to the Elder Scyther, thanking and promising them he would take good care of the poke eggs. Raon cooed and offered to hold one poke egg while Cale held the other one, they could swipe later. The Elder informed Raon, the eggs were close to hatching, and they should prepare something sweet for the young ones before leaving.

Cale, "Looks like we got our new family members, Raon, Hong, Ohn."

Raon nodded, "I am not complaining, I can feel the heart beat."

Hong, "I am happy."

Ohn, "Raon will not be the youngest anymore."

Cale, "I am excited too. We should return, Ash will be worried."

Raon, "We have spent a few hours out here after all."

Hong, "Let's go, I think it was this way."

Ohn, "Do you think the Pokemon eggs will hatch half way?"

Cale, "I hope not. I need to prepare food for them first."

Raon, "Then let's hurry back."

The four of them plus two poke eggs hurried back to their camp just in time for dusk to set in. Ash and his Pokemon were sitting around the fire preparing dinner with a Kakuna and a Metapod next to him in place of Caterpie and Weedle. Cale smiled congratulating Ash on the successful evolutions while Ash noticed the two poke eggs and congratulated Cale on getting them. Cale explained what happened with the two Scythers and how he helped arrest the poachers which had Ash worried. Cale calmed him down saying it was the Scythers who did most of the work as it was their right to battle them. Ash still looked Cale over for injuries while Ruby and Raijin looked Raon, Hong and Ohn over.

Cale, "I promise I am alright."

Ash, "You always lecture Gary and I to be careful, then go and do something like that."

Ruby nodded, -Yes, you need to be more careful.-

Raijin, "Piikapi pika."

Cale, "I apologize for scaring you but I promise I was careful."

Raon, "Dad is right."

Hong, "We were careful."

Ohn, "We were not even seen."

Ash, "I will hold you to that."

Cale, "We should probably head to Pewter City soon. I want to make sure these two are healthy and well."

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