Twins and Wins

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(Trash of the Count and Pokemon are not mine.
-poke speech-

Cale, "Are you sure about this?"

Raon, "Positive dad."

Hong, "It's little Sylvia and Auryn."

Ohn, "They were worried about us and followed you here."

Cale raised an eyebrow, 'Why do I feel like there is more to this?'

Sylvia was nuzzling Cale, "Scy scyther, scy."

Auryn was humming as Cale ran his hand over his back, "Scy scy scy."

Cale, "Welcome to the Pokemon world kiddos. You do realise you are a different species now, right?"

Sylvia nodded, "Scy."

Cale, "I will have to teach you to talk again."

Auryn cooed, "Scy scy."

Cale chuckled, "I am happy you are here though. It is nice to see my kids again."

Ash knocked, "Cale, may I come in?"

Cale, "Of course Ash. Come in. What happened? You look upset."

Ash, "I... I ran into a bitch of a trainer earlier."

Cale observed the distressed boy then pulled him into a hug, "Language and tell me the details, I will listen."

Ash hugged him back as Ruby and Raijin hugged him from behind, "I was training earlier for the contest later on. One girl challenged me to a double battle with her Corsula and Pidgeotto. I won obviously but "


Ash, "Great job Bisque, Luna, I am proud of you."

Bisque, "Bzzz."

Luna, "Cree."

The ravenette girl Ash did not even remember the name of, clicked her tongue in annoyance and left to challenge another girl. It was fine, some trainers did that and went to get their Pokemon checked at the centre once the battles were done. At least that's what Ash hoped was happening there but after the ravenette lost to the blue haired girl she stormed off to a corner. It seems the older teen was just as worried about the reaction and went to check on the ravenette only to find her verbally abusing her four Pokemon. The older teen stepped in scolding the girl and Ash checked on the Pokemon who were shivering and terrified.

The ravenette bit out, "If you want them, take them. I don't need such weaklings in my group."

The blue haired teen snapped after her, "Marina, get back here, Marina."

Ash, "Excuse me but I think we should take these Pokemon to the centre."

The teen looked at him then the Pokemon and nodded, "Let's go. I can't believe she did that. I am so reporting her and getting her license."

Ash, "Me too. I am Ash, and I am traveling with another trainer."

The teen smiled, "I am Pearl, I am from Sinnoh."

After the initial greetings were done they left for the centre where the older teen reported the other trainers for her abusive behaviour. Nurse Joy nodded in thanks for the information and assured them the trainer would be dealt with. During that time Ash had gotten close to Pidgeotto who was now clingy with him though the other Pokemon were still wary. Nurse Jim requested Ash to stay with the Pokemon to keep her calm while he gave her a check up. The results were less than pleasant with multiple bruises and obvious malnutrition on top of that. Getting the Pokemon back to normal would take forever but Ash offered to care for Pidgeotto.

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