Psychic and Aura

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(Trash of the Count and Pokemon are not mine.
-poke speech-

Ash, "Luna string shot."

Sabrina, "Kadabra stop her from sticking to the ceiling."

Kadabra nodded and created a shield on the roof only to be surprised, the attack was not heading for the roof at all. Luna had used her string shot on Kadabra who was surprised and then became annoyed as the string was seriously sticky. Ash called for more strong shots making Kadabra really annoyed as he tried to get the sticky string off him. Cale seeing what Ash was actually planning started to giggle maniacally while cheering him on his fight. Incapitating both their enemies and opponents was a good way to capture them and string shot did not actually harm anyone. It just captured you in a very sticky hard to get off mess well, it came off after half an hour but still.

Kadabra blinked his eyes inside the cocoon, -Mistress, I can't move.-

Sabrina, "Kadabra? Try using a psychic cut."

Kadabra, -I did but it did not get rid of the sticky stuff.-

Referee seeing Kadabra was no longer moving announced, "Kadabra is unable to battle. The victory goes to challenger Ash Ketchum from Pallet town."

Ash, "Great job Luna. You were awesome."

Luna gave a happy troll before she started to glow making everyone gasp and stare wide eyed. Two evolutions from the same trainer in one day had to be a record in the Saffron Gym, as most of the time they only see one evolution on the trainer's side. The Metapod was now a Butterfree flying around happily while cooing at Ash that prompted Bisque to appear and fly around as well. Luna and Bisque looked extremely happy to have finally reached their full forms and flew around. Cale, Sabra and Sabrina were clapping while congratulating them on the happy evolution and then Sabrina got their attention.

Sabrina, "As a Gym Leader I am very proud to produce and present you with your first badge."

Ash, "My first badge. Do you hear that Luna, Bisque, we won our first badge."

Luna, "Creeeee."

Bisque, "Bzzzzz!"

Sabrina took out a golden coloured badge, "This is the Marsh badge and this is the prize money."

Ash's eyes widened, "Th... Thank you very much."

Ruby, -Meema, you were amazing.-

Raijin held up a board, -I would like to battle in the next Gym please.-

Ash, "Thank you Ruby and of course Raijin, anything you want."

Sabrina, "I did not realise you could teach Pokemon to read and write."

Ash, "It is an ongoing project that Professor Oak gave my group which consists of Cale and Gary. Cale was the one who came up with the idea though."

Raon, "Dad is the best."

Sabrina, "I still can't believe you can talk."

Cale, "It is because of Aura. It can be used in many ways including speaking in the human language."

Sabrina, "Fascinating."

Kadabra, -Little help here?-

Sabrina, "Hang on, Slow Poke, use a gentle water gun please."

Slow Poke appeared, "Slowwwww."

Ash, "We should go to the Pokemon centre anyway. I want to get Luna and Bisque a full health check."

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