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I was standing at near a podium in the academy. Dressed in my usual uniform of black cargo pants, white top under a black jacket. My hair tied to down on the back of my head in a formal bun. My face foward and posture straight.

Despite Baranov being a man of dictatorship that he was democracy, he wanted the people to feel important by announcing his next heir that will be training under him till he decides to step down. Next to me was Baranov standing in between me and a serious River looking straight ahead. Holding the same posture as I and wearing the same clothes as I was albeit his body was larger and taller therefore required clothes as such.

"My children. The dark times close in on us, time eventually surpasses any living and breathing being. Even the non living." He starts with his speech. His calm but deep voice communicates in a common language since most of these people come from all around the planet.

"Therefore." He continues. "It's time you're all made aware of the new heir to Drakon."

Murmurs fly around as the people in the crowd excited themselves with anxious anticipation of Baranov's words. It's been years of people playing the guessing game and while his business associates outside the academy had the same curiosity, he has strict rules against revealing the identities of his assassins. No one knows what their faces look like but they know they exist. That's his forte.

Only our common tattoos that a select few know of their meaning are the ones that reveal their identity. Anything else, no one can know.

"The two candidates before you have proven time and time how they are the people for this job." He continues. I could feel their eyes on me, mostly because of their hatred for me. Of course they favored someone they know.

"This person will shadow me throughout my work and I expect you to treat them as you would I. As your superior."

I hate that he was drawing out the answer and somehow there was something clawing at the bottom of my stomach, but I ignore it. My gut feelings are usually never wrong but there was no way I was losing to the likes of the lover boy and overly emotional wreck as River.

I didn't realize how much I had zoned off throughout Baranov's useless speech before I heard the loud cheers and claps amongst the crowd of people. I heard my name being called which caused me to snap my head toward Master Baranov.

"Daughter, you are a great candidate and therefore have been promoted to head commander." The claps continue on and my face stays blank. I blink confusion.

A commander?

His head turns around to face the person on his right. A commander? If I could say the word out loud it would come out in the disgust of its meaning. Me? A fucking commander? A mere spy? A mere assassin? I am supposed to be daughter of the Drakon. Heir to Drakon! Not a fucking a commander.

By the time I saw River's grey eyes glinting with the smile that was threatening to form on his pink lips, my anger was ablaze. So much so that as skilled as I am in hiding my emotions, I couldn't hide this one. I haven't been able to hide it for years. The look of pure hate.

"Congratulations son of Feng. Heir to Drakon ."

The crowd booms in excitement but I had already removed all sounds into the back of my mind. My head had fallen back to the crowd as almost all of the people beneath approved this decision. Not a single soul -not even one- wanted me in the position.

I don't know what I wanted to feel but I certainly did not want to feel like gouging every single one of their eyes out.

Congratulations son of Feng.

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