Little person

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I have been asleep for too many hours so much so that I can't sleep anymore. After dinner, Uma let me stay in a room they situated for me. A rather pink room might I add and I will admit I like the designs even the color. Prior to my dark grey room that looms in sadness and matches my dark personality, this one is oddly calming.

I got tired of staying up all night and staring at the ceiling. So I decided to go downstairs to fetch myself some water, it was hard but I made it to the kitchen and I was content with the emptiness of the place. My feet carry me towards the fridge and I pull out the jug of water and place it on the island.

I suddenly start sensing a shift in energy, followed by a smell of cologne I almost pause but I quickly regain my posture so I don't make it obvious I'm aware of the person's presence. With a sigh, I knew very well who that was and it may be too dark to tell where in the room he is but his presence is too loud if he was trying to sneak up on me. And also the fact that I'm a trained assassin, he can never sneak up on me. My senses are always on high alert, especially now that I'm vulnerable.

"Lurking around is creepy you know." I comment just as I turn around to open a cabinet only to find it filled with food.

I hear shuffling and clanking of glasses on the other side of the kitchen before the dim lights around the island flicker on. Viktor stands next to the light switches with a glass in his hand and approaches me as I take a seat.

"Sorry." He says sheepishly. Even in this dark his pale skin tints almost like his little brother when his mad except I think this is something different. I think it's a blush.

"What are you doing up so late?"

"I was doing some pre studying in the living room." He starts to pour the glass of water on both our glasses before he returns the jug back. "You know, since summer is almost over and all."

"Oh." I bring the glass to my lips, not having an opinion in the matter.

I know if I had the choice or opportunity to go to college, I'd be either doing my last year or I'd have finished by now seeing as I finished my studies at the age of seventeen. Even though Baranov is a mad man, he recognizes the importance of us learning basic stuff about life hence some computer geniuses and some doctoral.

"Do you.. go to any school around here?"

A moment of silence passes between us. We both know a girl that he found in the river with a stab wound and various injuries wouldn't be going to any school around here. I'm surprised they haven't asked me about it, or rather they are still giving me my space.

"Can I tell you a secret?" His brown eyes twinkle with the same curiosity as his little brother upon my words. It's almost comical how all these three males that live with Uma are the same person, different ages, different mindsets and different eyes. Kane's genes are way too strong you'd question if Uma is their biological mother. "I'm an assassin trained for almost eleven years now. School is the last thing on my plate."

He looks at me in confusion for a minute before his face visibly relaxes and he starts to chuckle shaking his head as he takes a sip of his water. When he places the beverage down, his eyes meet mine again. I must admit his throaty laugh was attractive, same as his eyes and dimples. The boy is attractive, the boyish innocent type but then I've met attractive boys before. It's how I realized my dating pool doesn't just end with girls, I've just never felt like dating anyone other than Amara so I just admire and move on.

"You're serious?"

I shrug. "How do you think I got these injuries?"

"Well- I don't know." He stammers, his face now holding panic to it. "It may have been some thugs or an abusive boyfriend or something."

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