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Ally's POV:Everything in my body was hurting like crazy.I'm trying to remember what happened but I seen to can't.All I remember is I was in a car with someone a guy.About my age but I can't seem to make out his face.We got into a car and all of a sudden a car hit us and that was the end.All of a sudden I open my eyes to see a cute blonde guy holding my hand he looks like he was crying.He was saying 'It's all my fault.' What could he mean by that?"Ally,Your awake."he says to me and hugs me he seems familiar like I've seen him before but I can't put my head on it."I'm sorry but who are you?" I ask him he pulls back a little sad "You don't know who I am do you?" he asks me I shake my head he seemed taken away from my response "Ally,It's me Austin your best friend." he says to me I give him a confused look "Best friend? My best friend is Trish." I say back to him he takes my hand "Ally please remember me remember us." he says almost pleading I don't understand.I take my hand back "I'm sorry.I think you have the wrong girl." I explain he walks out the door I sigh who was he and why can't I remember him? Why did he say 'It's all my fault?' All these questions go threw my head.My dad comes into the room "Ally,Sweetie look who are here Dez and Trish!!!" he says excitedly I know Trish is my best friend but who's Dez? Just than they both come in "Ally,How are you? Are you feeling better?" Trish asks me she pulls me into a hug "Yeah.Just got a lot of stuff going trough my mind." I tell her "It gets better don't worry."she tells me and rubs my back "Ally!!!!" a red haired weird guy who I'm assuming is Dez says and hugs me "Hi Dez." I say to him "Oh has Austin come to visit yet?" Trish asks me "Wait who's Austin again?" I questioned "Tall,Blonde." She describes "Oh yeah.Um we seem to have gotten off on the wrong foot he really wants me to remember him.But I seem to can't." I explain "Don't put pressure on yourself he'll comes around."she tells me I nod "Hey,Check this out their are two fishes that look Exactly the same.Here fishy fishy fishy." Dez says admiring the mini aquarium full of fishes."Well we'll let you rest." Trish tells me "Come on,Dez." She says pulling him out of the room "No my babies." he fake cries "Doff." Trish comments they both go out and close the door.Who am I really? And what does this Austin guy really have to do with my life? I really got to figure it out and I won't stop until I remember everything.

Auslly:I fell in love with my best friend.Where stories live. Discover now