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I'm staring at my phone in disbelief

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I'm staring at my phone in disbelief. The first thing that pops up into my head is: How could he remember me? The more I think about him makes me want to curl into a ball and cry. He remembered me. He remembered my phone number. Ravi Singh. I never wanted to admit it but, I really miss him. I miss Ravi so much I wish I never had to leave. Ravi helped me get away with murder. I look back down at my phone debating if I should text him back. I feel like I should. I turn my phone off and stand up, I walk out of the courtroom to my car.

Once I'm in my car, I grab my phone and turn it on. I immediately open Messages and I'm greeted with the text Ravi sent me. I decide to text him back. 

"Hi Ravi! I've missed you a lot.. how have you been?"

I stare at my phone as the little bubble with the three dots pops up. I smile to myself because, he's still the same. He still responds the moment you text him. I'm glad me leaving hasn't changed him one bit. I would then look at my phone and he's said

"I could be better. I miss you. I really miss you. I have been able to stop thinking about you. Haven't been able to start dating again. I'm still think that one day you'll come home.."

My smile would immediately turn into a frown. I feel terrible. He hasn't been able to date again ever since I broke up with him. I had to break up with him. I broke up with him for his safety. If I wasn't in my car I would have curled up into a ball by now.

"Ravi.. please stop. I miss you too but just because you miss me dosen't mean I should be the reason I'm holding you back from finding someone."

Tears would form in my eyes as I sent the text. Gosh why does Ravi have this effect on me? Every time I think about him I start crying. I wish I could go back to Fairview, but if I do I'll have to see Hawkins's again. I let out a sigh as I say to myself "fuck it. I'm about to go on break any way." I turn my phone off and start my car's engine.

I'm driving to campus to get my stuff. I'm going home I can't stand this empty feeling in my heart. God how I miss him. He's so sweet sometimes I don't even think I ever deserved him. I wonder what my parents are going to think. God I can't stand to keep thinking about Ravi. If Ravi was the sun then I was the moon. If Ravi was the gentle waves of the ocean then I was a raging fire. We're complete opposites, but even then I can't stay away from him.

Once I get to campus I walk into my dorm room and I start packing my stuff. Once everything is packed I take it out to my car. Once it's all in my car I walk to the office and say flatly "hi, I know I'm graduating next month but I'm moving back to my home town." The lady nods and says "okay you can leave" so I walk out and leave.

When I get back to my car I sit in the driver seat and sigh. God every since Stanley died nothing has been the same. God what is wrong with me? Why do I attract death and negativity? I sit up and block out my thoughts and I start the engine and I start driving.

I'm sooo sorry if this was short! This is my first ever wattpad story so I'm a little bit nervous but this is going to be a dual POV so we'll get RAVI'S POV😻 I rlly hope you enjoyed this

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