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God I miss her

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God I miss her. Pippa fits-Amobi the girl who I helped get away with murder. I miss her so much it hurts. I haven't been able to stop thinking about her. She's my sarge. I haven't been able to do a lot of things because I know she'll come home to me one day. I'm hoping that 'one day' will be one day soon.

I'm sitting in the police station. Hawkins is still asking me questions about Jason bell and if I knew that he was the DT killer. God. The fact that Jason IS the DT killer and that he was targeting pip makes me sick. She was going to be his youngest victim. All of his victims where in their twenties. She was only eighteen. I'm so glad she was able to escape but at what cost? The cost of our relationship and a lot more. She left after a few days. Broke up with me and cut contact. It broke me.

"Ravi? Are you listening?" Hawkins asks slightly annoyed with me "what?" I ask confused on what he was asking. God I can't focus. She's the only thing on my mind. "I said, did you think that Jason was the one stalking her?" Hawkins repeats annoyed. I notice that he didn't say her name. Nobody ever says her name beside me, my parents, and her family. "No, not really. I didn't think he would stalk her." I lied. I did I thought he was suspicious every since the media got back into his life with pip investigating andie and the trial with max.

Just as Hawkins was about to ask me another question Soraya knocks on the door and opens it. "Hawkins pips dad wants to speak with you.." she said softly almost like she was worried. I have no clue why but I thought that pip was with him. Hawkins stands up and walks out and I follow him. Victor is standing there with a angry expression. God he looks like pip when she's mad. "Hawkins I swear to god. This so your fault." Victor says angrily and I look at him confused

"What?" Hawkins says slightly annoyed "you didn't believe her! But now that it's revealed that Jason was the DT killer and that he was stalking pio you suddenly care?!" Victors shouting didn't really faze me. I'm used to pip shouting at me for not taking things seriously. Hawkins starts trying to calm Victor down but he isn't listening. I'm not listening either. I've learned from pip to block things out.

I'm standing behind Hawkins as I see a car pull into town and I think I'm going crazy. When she steps out of the car and walks toward her dads I don't know what overcome me but I'm running now. I ran out of the police station and I pull her into my embrace. Tears are in my eyes as I'm holding her. I never thought it would happen. She's here. She's back. "Pip omg I'm so sorry i missed you so much." I say through sobs and I kiss the top of her head as we stand int the middle of the parking lot.

Pip looks up at me with tears in her eyes aswell and she says "oh Ravi.." and she smiles a broken type of smile. We're standing there when her dad comes out and says "oh my god pickle!" and he hugs her and we all stand there in a big group hug.

Hawkins has finally come out of the police station. Even though I didn't want him to he walks over to pip, my pip, and talks to her. "Hello pip it's been a while" she only nods and smiles softly clearly annoyed. She turns to me and says softly "I'm so, so sorry.." and she takes me hand in hers and looks up at me.

I pull pip into my arms and hold her there. I hold her there, her Head against my chest as she starts crying and apologizing for how we last talked. God if I could take away her saddens and guilt I would. I hate seeing her like this. She deserves the world, but I would gladly burn it to the ground if anything happened to her.

I wish I could take half of everything from her and only leave happiness and love. I would kill for her. She's the only thing that matters to me. I will not let us turn out the same as sal and andie. They never deserved to die. We won't but we could get separated so fast. God thinking about sal makes my head throb. I miss him a lot but not as much as I missed her.

God if Hawkins could read what I was thinking I'd be locked up. My attention would go to pip as she's no longer in my embrace but she's standing by her dad as someone walks by. I look how it is and oh. It's Anthony Lowe and Lauren Gibson. God they should be six feet in the ground for how they treated her.

"Oh hi Pip." Lauren says trying to hide her disgust. God I could just punch her. Pip turns to look at her and smiles softly. I know what pips capable of, and I will help her even when she never asked. Ant only glares at pip and I notice it so fast and without thinking I say "yo dude can you stop glaring at her." His gaze moves to mine and he immediately stops glaring.

930 words for this chap and I'm so shocked😻 honestly I get that Ravi doesn't seem like Ravi in the books but it's been like year and smth (I'm writing this while I'm a bus) so he can change😾 I lit love Ravi sm he's my whole world but I feel like he would act like this after the time spent away from pip and how they last talked/ saw each other so yea😻 hopefully you enjoyed this chapter

P.S. yes I'm the yapper friend.

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