Vegas Bound

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"...We fucked up"
"What are you talking about Phil? Put Y/N on the phone"
"The Bachelor party the whole night.It..things got out of control,uh....we lost Doug, we can't find Doug"
"What are you saying Phil? We are getting married in five hours!"
"Yeah, that's not gonna happen."

-A day earlier-
Doug and Alan pulled up outside the elementary school Phil taught at, "I'm not supposed to be within 200 feet of a school" Alan blurted out, "what?" asked Doug
"Or a Chuck.E.Cheese"

Before Doug could press Alan on this matter, out strided Phil, bag in hand and sunglasses on. "Shit" Phil chuckled in amusement "nice car" he threw his bag in and jumped over the seat.
"Shut up and drive before these nerds ask me another question" he said, earning a scoff from Doug.

"Who's this"
"Alan, Tracy's brother"
"I met you like four times"
"Oh yeah, how you doing man?"

"We're picking up Stu and then Y/n" Doug said, glancing at Phil's reaction in the Mercedes mirror."Y/Ns coming?" Phil retorted, "look I know you don't really know her and it's a bit awkward but-" Doug started,

"No hey I don't mind her coming but isn't this a bachelor party, 'no women allowed unless they're strippers' you said it yourself Doug" Phil said.
Doug laughed "alright I didn't say it like that, and y/n is one of my closest friends, it would be a shame not to invite her, she's a lot of fun you two would really get on"

"Alright whatever man but if she ends up getting into some fucked up shit with us, you're to blame" Phil shrugged.

"Please do not curse so much in the car" Alan chimed in "should we make a curse jar?"
A moment passed.

"Wait....y/n is a girls name....there's going to be a girl coming with us!" Alan shrieked, only reacting to this information now, "yeah but she's off limits, Phil's got his eye on her" Doug joked, earning a "shut up man" from Phil in the back seat.

"Alan get in the back Stu's taking the front" Doug said, hearing a whine from both Phil and Alan

"Doug I want to stay in the front!"
"I'm not sitting beside that retard."

Stu shimmied out his front door, his psychotic wife watching him as he got in the car "See you tomorrow my lovely angel!" he called to her.

"NO FUCKING STRIP CLUBS DO YOU HEAR ME STUART" she shouted back and slammed the door.
"She just forgot to take her morning meds" Stu chuckled nervously, getting into the passenger seat as Doug quickly turned out of Stu's lane, desperate to be rid of Melissa, who was currently watching them drive away from the behind the curtain.

They arrived outside y/n's house, Doug honked knowing this did nothing because no matter what, y/n was always notoriously late.

Y/n's pov
"One minute!" You called from inside your house, you hoped the guys didn't notice that you were always notoriously late.

You threw your makeup bag, some random jewellery you found on your desk, and the sluttiest dress you could find into a dusty suitcase.

Dragging it out to the hallway, you took one last glance at yourself in the mirror, knowing Phil was out there waiting with the guys, you touched up your mascara and lipgloss, cringing at your own desperation, but it's valid, Phil was the finest out of all your guy friends, you always had a thing for him, you would never admit that to anyone though.You lock the door behind you and saunter down your driveway.

A string of "Hey y/n!"erupted from the group
"Hey Doug, hey Stu" you smiled putting on your sunglasses and throwing your bags in the trunk.
"Hey Phil" you smiled as you came around to get in the car, "hey y/n" he replied with a smile, you were about to get in when you realised there was a fourth guy you hadn't noticed, "oh..hello" you said "hi I'm not allowed in the front" he said.

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