Blackjack or Bankrupt...?

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A while later you arrived back at Caesar's Palace to look for the money.
It was certainly a task.

You scoured every single inch of that hotel
Phil took the kitchen area, Stu the lounge, you the bedrooms and Alan his bedroom (you refused to step foot in that stench-haven).

"Guys I'm telling you, I looked for it this morning before we left. It's not anywhere." Alan said.
"Fuck" Phil sighed, "Stu how much you got in the bank?" he asked.
"About 10 grand, I was gonna use it for the wedding" Stu answered.

"Well you're already married so we're good there" Phil said.
"Yeah and enough with Melissa, she's the worst" you add, not entirely sure if it was obvious you hated Melissa.

"Doug said she had sex with a pilot or something" Alan chuckled, grabbing pizza from in between the sofa, you gagged.

"It was a bartender on a cruise! What is wrong with you people...Alan did you just eat soda pizza?" Stu asked.

Phil glanced at you, seeing the other two were preoccupied.
"What are we gonna do? We are so fucked" he said.
"I say we change our identities and move to Hawaii" you say, sarcasm the only thing coming to mind,maybe you did have concussion.
Phil rolled his eyes.

"Not a bad idea" Alan retorted, rooting in the sofa again.
"Hold on..."
"Did you find it?"

"Nope...but check this out" he said, pulling out the 'Worlds Greatest Blackjack Book'.

You didn't like what this discovery entailed.

An hour later, the group had a plan.
Well, Stu had a plan to win money down at the Blackjack table in the casino. The group gathered around the coffee table in the lounge of the hotel room.

"Alright Alan, you learn the ins and outs of blackjack just enough, enough to successfully attempt to win money"

"I will be a hostile opponent at the table, trying to get security called on me in order to make Alan look less suspicious"

"And Y/N and Phil you two will be the 'good-looking couple that everyone is kind of hoping to see bone', your objective is to draw attention away from Alan and his calculating, got it?"


"I'll call Jade, tell her to come down to us...doesn't hurt to have another bombshell with us to distract" Stu said, flicking open his phone.

"Oh could you ask her to bring me something to wear later? My dress from last night is in two pieces" you asked, blissfully unaware of the implication you just made.

"Jesus Phil do you have any self control?" Stu asked disgustedly.
"What?" Phil asked defensively.
You understood it now.
"Yeah Phil, technically you owe me 80 bucks" you joke.

"80 bucks? That thing was 80 bucks? I should not have been able to tear that off you so easily"

"Right? And that was before tax!"

"You're kidding-"

"Guys?" Stu interrupted you and Phil's conversation over a dress "we don't have time to discuss Phil and Y/Ns sexual escapades right now"
"That's funny."
"I wish I had seen that" Alan sighed.

"Let's hope everyone else at this blackjack table thinks the same thing Alan" Stu said as the call went through to Jade.

"Alright the casinos hit their busiest at 11pm so we want to be at a table before then" Phil said, "that means we have just over an hour before we need to leave...everyone clear?"

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