"Five of us wolves, out in the desert"

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You all scrambled to grab your bags when Doug pulled up to the hotel.

A group of girls giggled and waved at Phil as you and the guys entered the hotel, "ladies" he smiled at them as they erupted into giggles and walked away. 
"Slut" you coughed,
"hey what did you say I didn't catch that" Phil said playfully hitting you with his bag "I said you're a big slut Phil Wenneck" you smiled hitting him back, the play fighting had clearly gotten intense as Alan stepped between you two,

"Guys please don't fight, Y/N say sorry for calling Phil that hurtful word" Alan said.
You smiled "I'm sorry for calling you a S.L.U.T Phil"
"Now Phil do you accept this?" Alan said, still keeping you two at arms length from each other.
"No I don't actually, infact I think I'll have to kill Y/N for that" Phil said with a straight face, knowing it would scare the shit out of Alan.
"No you can't Phil, I like Y/N, but I understand why you want to" Alan reassured him.

Before you could even react to what Alan had said you realise you had reached the check in area.

"Yes the booking is under Dr Price" Stu said to the receptionist
"alright he's a dentist don't get too excited, if someone has a heart attack you should still call 911" Phil said,
"is this hotel pager friendly?im not getting a sig on my beeper?" Alan asked, the receptionist looked dumbfounded at his question.

"there's a phone in your room?" "Yeah that will work" he replied.

You turned to Alan "don't worry man no one is calling you" you smirked.

"Ok so I have you in a two bedroom suite on the 12th floor, is that okay?" the receptionist asked, "that's perfect" Doug replied
"Actually I was wondering if you had any villas" said Phil, you hadn't wondered this but now you were.

Doug and Stu immediately disagreed with this "it's no big deal we can share beds, we won't even be in the room" they argued.

"If we are sharing beds im bunking with Phil and y/n" Alan chimed in, both you and Phil turned to Alan once again, a simultaneous "absolutely not" erupted from both of you.

"Well we have one villa available and it's 4200 for the night" the receptionist intervened,

"that's perfect thank you Lisa" said Phil " no problem sir" she replied, handing him the keycard and smiling at him.

A pang of jealousy hit you at this interaction, why were you jealous of Phil and this random receptionist? We are in Vegas, if im going to get jealous every time a woman smiles at him, I'm seriously fucked.

After a few stupid questions from Alan and a debate over who's paying for the Villa, you finally made it up the amazing room.

"Holy shit" you said setting your bags down "this is fucking awesome right?" Phil said, checking out the view "thanks Stu you're a real one" you say to Stu "it's only because I love you guys" Stu said, knowing he was doomed if Melissa checks his bank statement.

"Okay ladies,pick a room, get dressed. Let's be ready in 30 minutes" Phil said, turning to you "thirty minutes not three fucking hours alright princess" he said with a smirk.

"Shut up I'll take as long as I want" you smiled and grabbed your bag,making a bee line for your room.Phil had just called you princess... you needed a minute.

30 minutes had flown by, it always does when you're getting ready. Thank god that Stu had wasted time on the phone to Melissa and was holding everyone up, because you were only finished your makeup.

You gazed at yourself in the mirror, yep this was it. You looked the shit. Putting on your black mini dress and gold strappy heels you could just about walk in, you were 'ready to let the dogs out' as Alan so perfectly put it.

When the guys emerged from Stu's room, after giving him grief about proposing to Melissa at Doug's wedding , you strutted out of your room.
"Wow guys finally...I've been waiting" you smiled sarcastically.
The guys were dumbfounded.

You were aware of the effect you had on men, you'd be lying if you said you didn't like the attention, especially from guys like Phil.

They all managed to blurt something along the lines of "you look good", apart from Phil, who didn't say anything but didn't need to. The way he was staring at you told you everything.

After an awkward elevator encounter, Phil insisted on going to the roof, followed by a lot of protests from Stu.

"Guys we can do whatever the hell we want,we are paying for a villa" Phil reasoned, climbing up the ladder.

"I didn't exactly pack shoes for ladder climbing Phil" you complained, flashing him your 6 inch Jimmy Choos.
"Cmon y/n" he said holding out his hand for you to grab onto while you carefully climbed the ladder,Phil Wenneck was holding your hand. This truly was a 'dear diary' moment.

The five of you grouped together on the roof, Doug pouring the Jäegermeister for everyone.

Stu toasted Doug and Tracy, to a minor 'speed bump' in an otherwise long and healthy marriage. And so you downed the first of many shots that night.
"Alright I wanna talk about something-" Phil started

"I'd like to, I'd like to say something" Alan interrupted, pulling out a crumpled piece of paper, as you smiled at Phil rolling his eyes.

"How about that ride in? I guess that's why they call it sin city. Haha.
You guys might not know this but I consider myself a bit of a loner.i tend to think of myself as a one man wolf pack,but when my sister brought Doug home, I knew he was one of my own."
"So there were two-so there were two of us in the wolf pack.I was alone first in the pack and then Doug joined in later."

You and Phil glanced at each other and stifled laughter, the structure of this speech is something neither of you had heard before.

"When Doug introduced me to you guys, I
thought: wait a second, could it be? And now I know for sure. I just added two more guys and one girl to my wolf pack." Alan gestured at you, and you nodded graciously.
You, Stu, Phil and Doug smiled at each other and gathered closer to toast, but Alan wasn't finished.

"five of us wolves....running around in the desert together in Las Vegas, looking for strippers and cocaine. The So tonight...I make a toast" Alan pulled out a pocketknife and attempted to make a blood pact. This didn't go down well.
"Alan we are not going to cut ourselves, give me the knife"

After all that Phil didn't have the heart to continue his speech, so he poured everyone another shot."Alright, to a night the four of us will never forget" he said raising his glass, making eye contact with you. You raised an eyebrow and manoeuvred your shot glass so that it clinked off of his.

What? Vegas has a lot of pretty women, you had to make sure that you made an impression.

He continued eye contact with you as everyone clinked glasses and downed their shot. If there's one thing you will never do...is look away first, and it seems as if you had met your match when it came to that.

You weren't sure what the night would bring, but you were excited. You looked fine as hell, you felt fine as hell, and you were accompanied by a guy who was fine as hell. Also Stu,Doug and Alan. Yep, they're there too.

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