Chapter 36

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It dawned on me only five minutes into the event that I'd been fretting for nothing as soon as I saw why there was a cluster of people at the back of the chapel. They were all surrounding my mom. The closer I got, the more snippets of their words reached my ear. There were apologies and expressions of how much they'd missed her and how many of them had been praying for her wellbeing.

A cruel and spiteful part of me wanted to point out that they could've contacted her, but she hadn't made it easy for them, had she? After the whole event with my dad and her total absence from church, how could they? I certainly never allowed them to know anything about how she was or what she was up to. I'd thought I was protecting her from more ridicule, but now I feel that I might have been wrong. Not everyone in the church had turned their back on me after those incidents, and those that had, most didn't even stay members of the church too long after that.

I had been so lost in my belief that I was alone in all of this that I refused to see that these people cared about me in their own way. They had given me the space I needed and did small kindnesses like this one as often as possible. No one had made them allow me to be a Sunday school teacher or be a part of the Christmas festival and later praise me for my performance. They weren't being forced to throw this party. It was being done simply because they wanted to because they cared.

Only two came to mind nowadays that genuinely appeared to take issue with me. Jamie, who was thankfully nowhere to be seen, and I knew that her dislike of me had more to do with her problems than anything to do with me. And, of course, Kelly, but I knew that was something I would have to care about and make an effort to change, considering I was going to stay in her son's life from now on.

At that thought, I scanned the room for Tyler, finding him and Josh speaking to Zack beside the snack table. With one last peek back at my mom, I deemed that she would be alright without me, especially considering Noah was beside her with a comforting arm around her waist. I really was so fond of him now.

To my surprise, a new face was now speaking with Tyler. I could only blink at the sight for a moment, still struggling with the idea that Chase Dorman could carry out a casual-looking conversation with my boyfriend.

By the time I reached them, Chase was already leaving, which confused me further.

"What was all that about?" I ask Tyler, taking notice of his troubled expression.

"He told me something kind of strange, and I don't know how to take it."

Irritation bubbled up in me at that. What could be the other guy's problem with Tyler now? Doing my best to remain reasonable at least, I asked, "What exactly did he say to you?"

"He said that his dad was out looking for me, and he's pissed."

My eyebrows scrunched together as I tried to make sense of it myself. "What would his dad have to be mad at you about?"

"Apparently, Chase decided to quit the basketball team shortly after I did. He just now told me that the whole thing made him step back and look at himself. He said that he didn't like it and took some time off the team to consider things. Supposedly, his dad thought the break would be temporary until as of late. Then he discovered that Chase had dropped out to focus on studying to be a psychologist, and he freaked out. He also said that he's been staying with his aunt lately."

"That's a lot of information to just randomly dump on a person."

Tyler shook his head. "It wasn't random. It felt like he was genuinely trying to warn me that his dad blames me a lot for what happened."

"Okay? Does he think his dad might try to do something to you? I don't understand why he would jump to the conclusion that you need to go hide. It's kind of scary."

"I don't know. Do you remember the last two times we saw Chase? His dad didn't seem like he believed in the concept of 'gentle parenting.'"

I did recall those times, the way Chase's dad always seemed to have something brewing under the surface. I shouldn't have been surprised that it had been barely concealed rage.

"Should we call the police or something then?" I question as I unconsciously grip his hand and lace my fingers through his to reassure myself in a small way that he is alright. "Do you think they will take it seriously if we tell them you might be in danger?"

As if Kelly had a sixth sense for any time I showed Tyler affection, she appeared around the corner with a small paper cup in hand. What was she doing at a party meant for my mother and me? Had she decided to give me a second chance after all? My second of hope fizzled out when our eyes met from across the room, and a look of abject horror sprang up on her features. With a heavy heart, I turned my gaze back to Tyler, hoping he wouldn't turn around and see that look on her face.

To my shock, Tyler had a similar expression on his face, but his eyes weren't directed at me. As I turned to see what the fuss was about, the room exploded with sound and movement. Shouts and screams sounded off as people bodily pushed past each other, and I finally spotted the cause of the chaos.

It was Chase Dorman's father standing at the entrance of the chapel. His cold gaze was trained on Tyler, and the man had a gun pointed directly at him.

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