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"I shouldn't have let what happened yesterday happen; what should I tell Meera?"

Naina is thinking while brushing her teeth. 

Naina meets Teena, and with a new bag and new hopes, college days begin.

"Teena, why don't you ever remember to hit me up?" Naina asks, puzzled.

Teena chuckles, "Oh, you finally found some time for me, huh? Why the grin?"

"I'm not grinning, I'm grimacing! But seriously, why? Don't you miss me?"

"You got time to meet, why are you so chipper?"

"I'm not, I'm down in the dumps."

"Aw, why's that? Guess what? I've got some good news!"

"What?" Naina asks, suddenly anxious.

Naina's mood was as gloomy as a rainy day; she felt like she was in a pickle.

"I've got a boyfriend."

"Seriously? What's his name, Casanova? Is he famous?"

"Hold your horses, he doesn't live here. He's in Delhi, met him on Facebook. Here's his pic."

"That's a fake profile! Aahan told me about it, he warned me. I'm freaking out about who's behind this!"

"Damn! Now I can't even meet my crush, and all I'm encountering in life are grumpy old men."

"My crush crushed me. I've got a question."

"Why are you talking like a student? Just spit it out."

"Listen, I think I've done something I shouldn't have, something that could hurt someone else. What do I do?" Naina blurts out.

"My brain just clocked out! What gibberish are you spouting? Forget about it and move on!"

Naina looked at Teena with surprise, as if she thought Teena's words had some substance, but acting on them was like trying to catch a slippery eel. Teena, in an attempt to change the mood, switched gears and said, "Let's go check out the college. I heard the canteen is awesome."

"I do not wanna go," Naina protested lazily, behaving like a sleepy child.

Teena grabbed Naina's hand and dragged her along. Naina noticed that they were followed by the most popular girl in college, surrounded by ten guys who were hanging on to her every word, and an uncle nearby was also giving me a stare. Naina took a deep breath.

"My life sucks," she muttered.

"Where does it suck? You get kisses, you have a boyfriend," Teena teased.

"Shut up, Teena...wait, wait, I didn't ask Aahan where he is. He didn't even come to college today."

"He's been spending his nights with Shahnaz lately."

"Who's Shahnaz?"

"Meera's best friend?"

"Who's Meera?"

"Aahan's sister."

"So who are you then?"

"I'm Naina, damn it. we already talk about them."

"I mean, how do you know Meera?"

"Meera is my good friend."

"I didn't know you had any friends besides me."

"She's not just a friend, she's my best friend."

"Now I'm feeling jealous because someone else is bothering you."

"Don't be sad, no one will take your place," Naina said, lightly tapping Teena on the head.

The famous college girl approached like Teena.

"Can I sit here?"

Naina was about to say no, but Teena said yes.

"Hi, I'm Lalita."

"Hi, I'm Teena, and this is my bestie Naina."

"Hi, Teena & Naina. Look, you guys are new bie, so as a senior, it's my right to ask you who Aahan is friends with?"

"Aahan Mathur?" Teena asked.

Naina stared at Lalita as if she would devour her.

"Naina's boyfriend," Teena answered.

"What? You're nice, but I think someone deserves better," Lalita said.

"No one asked you! I'm the best for Aahan, so shut up!" Naina snapped in anger.

Lalita leaned in close to Naina's ear and said, "I'm saying that you deserve better."

Naina's cheeks turned as red as tomato sauce.

Lalita walked away to get a burger.

Teena irritatedly asked me, "What did that witch say?"

"Nothing," Naina said, pretending to ignore her.

"But why are you quiet? Did you get yogurt stuck in your mouth? What did she say?"

Teena looked at Lalita.

"She said I deserve better."

"What does that mean?"

"I do not know," Naina said, munching on french fries.

Lalita came back with burgers. She brought two burgers. She put the second burger on Naina's plate. Naina looked at Lalita, and Lalita said with her eyes, "For you."

Teena said, "She didn't bring it for me; I'm feeling hungry." (Looking at the burger)

"No! Naina, you eat it."

Naina started to leave. Lalita followed her. Teena started eating Naina's burger, closing her eyes and saying, "This is heaven, and for singles, this is love."

Naina started heading towards the restroom, and she saw Lalita following her, so she changed direction and went to the college garden because it was lecture time and the garden was empty.

"You'll regret bothering me," Naina said loudly without looking back.

Lalita smiled and said, "I have a crush on you. I know you have a boyfriend, but can I be your friend?"

Naina's throat dried up.

"Are you kidding me? Don't you want Aahan? Why do you have a crush on me?" (She said with a fake laugh, feeling extremely nervous.)

Naina was just about to shoot a glance Lalita's way when Lalita cut in, "Don't you dare look at me if you're gonna reject me. I won't take it personally."

Naina was in a pickle, not sure how to navigate this situation, so she thought, "What would Meera do?"

"We can totally be pals; I totally respect your feels," Lalita declared, swooping in for a hug from behind. But right then, Teena barged in and shoved Lalita away.

"Are you trying to strangle my buddy?" Teena exclaimed.

"Calm your jets, Teena; she just wants to join our squad," Naina clarified.

Teena apologized, "My bad, Lalita. You're, like, mega popular; you've got a zillion friends, so why Naina?"

"Because she's a dead ringer for my BFF; check it," Lalita said, whipping out her phone.

Teena peered at the photo and quipped, "All we can see are lips and eyes, the pic's got better vibes. Plus, her hair looks so good."

Naina shot Teena a death glare, and Teena backtracked, "Naina' is more beautiful, though."

Lalita gave Naina another squeeze and then bounced.

Teena chimed in, "You're not exactly starved for attention; you've got buddies, a beau, you can totally handle your crush."

"My crush?" (Panic mode activated)

As Naina was about to dash off to class, Meera called, and Naina just stared at her ringing phone, utterly flummoxed.

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