The Rookie Fire Soldier Games

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3rd Person POV

In a dark, highly advanced lab, a man sat alone in his chair, his face shrouded by the darkness. In the scientists hand was a small vial with a little bit of that strange black dust that Joker used back during the latest Infernal incident. The man had a white lab coat, with a striped white and red shirt underneath, and, though obscured by the darkness of his lab... An afro.

Scientist: You are aware of what's going on in the world? The chaos that consumes it?

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Scientist: You are aware of what's going on in the world? The chaos that consumes it?

Flipping a switch, suddenly, the monitor behind the scientist lights up, displaying a massive map of the world on the screen... And displaying the sorry state of the world right now. Continents that don't look like they fit, islands in the middle of nowhere, and continents that seemed to just be breaking apart.

Scientist: The planet is in shambles. Space distorts in areas where the flames rise, carving up continents. Maps are being redrawn and many countries that once existed have fallen. These days, there are few places where you can live a decent life. Other than the Tokyo Empire. And so, people gather here in the relatively undamaged Tokyo where the Holy Sol Temple and Haijima Industries have developed Amaterasu. The perpetual thermal energy plant. The empire is the beneficiary of its vast energy, and has made further advancements of its own.

As it turns out, the scientist wasn't alone in his lab... Blowing a puff of smoke from his cigarette, Joker seemed rather irritated by the scientists constant ramblings about the state of the world, he seemingly wanted to get straight to business.

Joker: Can we get down to it, or does this story keep going?

Scientist: Eh... Who can say? Personally, I would very much like for it to continue.

The light in the lab turns back on, finally illuminating the scientist fully, revealing his messy frizzy black afro and his dark eyes which were left wide open, likely from an unholy amount of coffee he's been drinking.

The light in the lab turns back on, finally illuminating the scientist fully, revealing his messy frizzy black afro and his dark eyes which were left wide open, likely from an unholy amount of coffee he's been drinking

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Scientist: So how'd it go?

Joker: (Holds up his jar of ash) Used the stuff I had you make for me. The results were more than satisfactory.

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