The Hero, Dragon, Princess, and Queen

381 19 6

3rd Person POV

Overlooking the city, at the Holy See, a massive towering energy plant that housed Amaterasu, the lifeblood of the Tokyo Empire. The city was bustling as usual, however, the normal day-to-day life was quickly cut short by an announcement calling to everyone to warn them of something dangerous rolling through the area.

Announcer: The Meteorological Agency has issued a warning for the Fourth District of the Tokyo Empire's northern area at thirteen-hundred. Record-setting rain is expected in a short period of time. Any persons heading into this area, please exercise care and caution. If at all possible, avoid the District untill the danger has passed.

Meanwhile, down in the streets, many people seemed to heed the warning and started heading inside to prepare for the storm that was coming, leaving the streets mostly empty... Of course, all save...

 Of course, all save

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For these guys.

The three legends from Wan Wan Nyine were all just... Standing around, holding their balloons that they were handing out to children. The three were just standing in one spot, looking up at the currently clear skies... For the moment that is...


Elsewhere, in another Fire Force Company, several lower-ranking soldiers were busy running through the data on the coming storm as well as several different corresponding signals from other Fire Force Companies.

Operator: Switching all monitors to trace mode. Canceling standby mode. Identity confirmed. Synchronization of GIS and tracking ID complete.

Second Operator: Error of indication 0.083, with acceptance range.

While the subordinates were all busy trying to organize this chaos, overseeing this whole operation was a woman... A very beautiful woman with light brown skin and long pink hair. Wearing an incredibly stylish version of the Special Fire Force uniform, sitting atop a literal throne of men...

Captain of Special Fire Force Company Five: Princess Hibana

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Captain of Special Fire Force Company Five: Princess Hibana

Operator: Fire Defense Agency alarm control system activation signal confirmed.

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