The Battle Begins

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3rd Person POV

Fiery flowers bloomed in the sky, beautiful blossoming flowers that brightened up the stormy day that was currently shadowing the church... Vibrant orange colors illuminating the sky, bringing a bright smile to a young girl who observed these flowers... This young girl was revealed to be a nun. A sister in training... A young sister named... Iris.

Reaching up towards the flowers, another hand reached out and grabbed Iris's hand, holding her back from reaching out to touch the flowers. Iris looked over at whoever was holding her hand back and offered a soft smile, wishing that this simple moment with her friend could last for an eternity... Sadly... Fate is often cruel to its believers...

Back in the present, Iris was seen kneeling in front of a fountain in the center of Company Eight's courtyard, damp after soaking herself in blessed water, the sister continued to offer her prayers as memories continued to creep back into her mind... Memories of a simpler time, back when she and her sisters lived under the holy sun...

Rounding the corner of the church, the young Iris came across her friend, resting under the shade, looking up at the sky. The friend of Iris was also a young lady, maybe a year or two older than her, she also had light brown skin, soft pink hair, and eyes that resembled flower blossoms... This young woman's name... Was Hibana.

Later on, everyone gathered together, as the timer on a camera slowly ticked down to zero, everyone in the church stood side-by-side with each other, smiling as they stood under the bright sun. It was truly a happy memory... Placing her hand on Iris's shoulder, Hibana offered a soft smile to her friend. Looking ahead, Iris, Hibana, and the rest of the nuns all smiled at the camera as the timer ticked down to zero... The last smile they would all have together... Before the flames consumed their peaceful life.

Once again, back in the present, Shinra was running through the halls on his morning jog, peacefully minding his own business as he warmed up for training for the day. However, as he jogged down the hall, Shinra ended up passing the courtyard where Iris was praying, causing him to back up and observe the scene.

Iris: (Solemnly) Sister...

Unfortunately, Iris ended up noticing Shinra watching her. And given how she was essentially naked aside from a damp thin white cloth... Safe to say it wasn't exactly the best look, especially since it caused Shinra's smile to act up.

Iris: (Covers herself, embarrassed) I, um-

Shinra: Crap, my bad!

As Shinra quickly and awkwardly made his way behind a wall to leave Iris to her prayers, the young fire soldier noticed something off about the nun... It might've been the water she was using to cleanse herself with, but something couldn't shake the feeling that Iris was hiding something...

Shinra: Was she crying...?

After getting dressed in a simple robe, Iris walked out to get changed back into her uniform to finish up her morning prayers, however, Shinra, who was still hiding behind the wall stepped in and offered her apologies for his peeping actions.

Shinra: I really am sorry for intruding.

Iris: Oh, no. You're okay. I'm not used to people coming through this early. Anyway, take care with your training, Shinra.

Shinra: Thanks, I'll do that.

Iris: Well, see ya later. (Turns to leave)

Shinra: Hey. Uh, Sister?

Iris: (Turns to Shinra) Huh?

Shinra: Thought I'd ask: Is there something bothering you? I'm happy to help if I can. It's why I took this job.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29 ⏰

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