Into You Like A Train

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Season 2 Episode 6

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Season 2 Episode 6

Margo rushes into the hallway near trauma one out of breath. "What do we got?"

Bailey gestures into the room and Margo peek her head in and gasps. "Holy hell!"

"His BP is looking steady at 90 over pal. She's had 2 hypotensive episodes to the low seventies." The paramedic informs the two. "We couldn't get the saw in with out moving them."

"They're never gonna fit into CT. We're gonna be flying blind. Get x-rays and labs and page me the minute you're done, please." Margo kindly asks Dr. Bailey.

"Excuse me!"

Turning around both doctors realize it's the woman stuck on the pill calling for them and they enter the room. "Hello, Bonnie. My name is Dr. Shepherd. I want you to try to not turn your head, we want you to try and not move as much as possible."

"Oh ok. ... So are you gonna pull this pole out of us anytime soon?"

"I'm sorry we can't until we get a better look on what's going on internally. But I assure you we will work as quickly as possible." Margo assures the both of them.

"Well, in that case, does anybody have a breath mint?" The woman jokes gesturing to the male on the other side of the poll.

"Uh O'Malley. Get them an X-ray." Bailey orders.

"Move them extremely carefully." Margo warns firmly.

Everyone stands in the X-Ray observation room examining the most recent scans as Derek walks in. He glanced at Meredith and gives Margo a quick kiss on the head.

"Hey." He notices Meredith with an IV in her arm, he sends a questioning glance to Margo and the woman. "What happened?"

"Uh, tequila." Meredith quickly answers refusing to make eye contact with the man.

"Look at this. These people are still alive?"

"Pole's tamponading the wound as far as we can see." Bailey
Informs the group.

"It's hitting the aorta."

"Is there anyway to operate without separating them?" George questions looking between all of the experienced surgeons.

"No." Derek immediately disagrees.

"What if we don't move the poll? What if we move one of the patients off the poll to get the saw in there? Then we can hold the pole steady in the other one. Move it very slowly and repair the damage as we go." Margo suggests, though it hurt her heart knowing that this meant only one could survive.

"Who? Which would you move?" George's face drops.

"With her aortic injuries, her chances of survival are extremely slim no matter what we do. But if we move her, we have a real chance of saving him. Unfortunately I don't think we have any other choice." Margo tells the intern.

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