Chapter 9

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* TRIGGER WARNINGS: sexual harassment and self-harm *

Izuku was scared - terrified, even - as he stood in front of Kai Allen's office.

The new director of Dior's campaigns had asked to see him, and Izuku had no other choice but to obey him. He had signed a contract that couldn't be cancelled with the luxury house. He was forced to participate in its campaigns for two years, no matter what happened.

His hands shook as he opened the door and then stepped into Allen's office. He didn't close the door behind him on purpose.

"Izuku," Allen greeted him with a smile that felt nothing but predatory. "There you are." The use of his given name made Izuku tense up, but it was nothing compared to what seeing Allen after years of no contact made him feel. It was as if he was back at eighteen years old when he had just debuted his model career and knew nothing about life yet.

"You wanted to see me, sir?" he did his best to keep his voice from shaking as he avoided Allen's gaze.

Kai Allen was a dominant alpha. The man was reaching his late thirties but looked particularly handsome in a tailored Dior suit. He was tall and imposing, his dark eyes contrasting with his always perfectly styled blond hair. He was an important figure in the fashion industry and imposed respect with his only presence, his natural charisma explaining where he was in life right now.

Izuku used to look up to him. He would have done anything to have Allen's attention back when he was an angel at Victoria's Secret...

"I did." Allen stood up from his desk to lean against it instead. Izuku was accurately aware of the short distance that was separating them. "It's about the next Dior campaign. I'm sure you've been informed that I'm the new director, yes?"

"Yes," Izuku nodded. He had somehow forgotten just how intimidating being in the older alpha's presence was.

"Good. I was thinking about doing something different for this campaign." Allen was all about business right now. "Dior has a great swimwear collection and, since summer is coming, I wanted you to model some of their feminine swimsuits," he told Izuku. "I'm sure it'll be a great hit just like when you modelled feminine lingerie for Victoria's Secret."

Izuku was sure he didn't imagine the suggestive look Allen gave him while saying this. It made his stomach clench, anxiety and fear swelling inside him. "Oh, I..." he had a hard time staying calm. "I don't model for lingerie or swimwear anymore," he managed to say without stammering too much.

Allen frowned at him. "You don't?"

"No," Izuku shook his head. He had stopped accepting modelling jobs that made him show too much skin long ago, right after he had stopped being an angel for Victoria's Secret. Wearing lingerie was what had started his career but he wasn't comfortable doing so anymore.

"Why?" Allen seemed disappointed. "That's such a pity. You know the best thing about you is your body."

His words were hurtful. Not being appreciated only for his body was one of the reasons why Izuku had stopped modelling lingerie or swimwear. He wanted people to see him as more than just a physique. He knew it was hard to ask as a model, but he was so much more than just a pretty omega. He was someone with feelings and dreams, just like everyone else.

"Well, your face is great to look at as well," Allen said. "Especially your crying face," he added with a cruel grin.

That made Izuku flinch. The way Allen was looking at him right now was making him feel in danger. He took a step back, his instincts urging him to run as far away as possible from the alpha standing before him. It got even worse when Allen stopped leaning against his desk to walk closer to Izuku.

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