Chapter 20

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Izuku woke up with a sense of lightness the next morning. He wouldn't be able to tell why exactly but he felt peaceful, the most peaceful he had ever felt in a very long time.

Surely because he knew Kai Allen wouldn't be able to hurt him anymore. Or maybe because he had finally talked about all the things he had been keeping hidden for so long, all the horrible things he had had to suffer through without anyone to talk about it to...

But, more than anything else, it was because he knew that he wasn't alone anymore.

Denki was sleeping right next to him at the moment. They had gone back to Izuku's apartment yesterday after going to the police station and Denki had ended up spending the night again. Not that Izuku minded, on the contrary. He never slept better than in Denki's arms. It made him feel safe and happy, something he had desperately needed after such a trying day.

Now, as the sun slowly rose in the sky, Izuku took the time to admire Denki's sleeping face.

They were lying face to face, their legs intimately tangled together. Denki had an arm wrapped around Izuku's waist, the gesture both sweet and protective even while the hero slept. Izuku loved how affectionate and attentive Denki always was with him.

Every good thing that had happened recently in Izuku's life was thanks to him. If it wasn't for Denki, Izuku would have still been stuck in the same nightmare. He would have never told anyone about Kai Allen, and the alpha would have never been arrested. He would have continued to suffer and harm himself until he wouldn't have been able to take it anymore. He would have surely ended up taking his own life in a moment of pure despair...

But Denki had saved him, and in more ways than one. He had understood what was happening and had immediately arrested Kai Allen. He had made sure that the alpha would never hurt Izuku again no matter what happened.

More importantly, he had kept on loving Izuku even after discovering his darkest secret.

Izuku had been terrified that nobody would ever want to be with him once they knew, at least not for who he was but only for how he looked. He had been terrified that, as soon as Denki knew how damaged he was, how broken both his mind and body were, he would give up on him.

But Denki hadn't given up on him and had even told him that he loved him. Izuku would always remember the day of his confession for the rest of his life. It didn't matter that he had just tried to cut his veins. Denki had said he loved him and Izuku would cherish the memory forever.

Denki had given him so much ever since they had met for the first time. Izuku wished he could give at least half of it back...

"Good morning, baby." He was pulled out of his thoughts by Denki waking up. Izuku blushed at having been caught looking at Denki's sleeping face, but Denki didn't seem to mind. He smiled at Izuku before gently caressing his face. "How are you feeling?"

"I'm okay..." Izuku said in a shy whisper.


"Yes," he repeated in a soft voice. He meant it for once. He felt truly okay, with nothing to worry about anymore now that Kai Allen was held in custody and Denki was here to protect him. He felt free and happy, his body feeling light for the first time in years.

"I'm glad," Denki smiled. "Yesterday couldn't have been easy for you, but you still did it. I'm so proud of you."

His words made Izuku blush in pleasure. He wasn't used to being complimented like that. It had been a while since anyone told him they were proud of him. "I was able to do it because you were with me," he admitted. It wouldn't have been the same without Denki by his side. Izuku was sure he would have been too scared to say anything. "It's all thanks to you."

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