Chapter 12

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"Izuku?" Denki felt worried at the sudden look of panic on Izuku's face.

He first wondered if the fact he had gotten an erection was the reason behind his panic, if it had scared Izuku, but then remembered that it wasn't the first time that it had happened and that Izuku usually only felt embarrassed when he felt Denki's erection, not scared and panicked. It meant that there was something else going on for Izuku to be reacting like that.

"What is it?" Denki took a step closer but Izuku suddenly flinched in response. "Don't," he held his hands up to keep Denki where he was. "D-don't get closer," his voice was shaking, his emerald eyes full of fear as he looked at Denki.

"What?" It completely took Denki aback. He didn't understand what was happening. Izuku had never looked at him this way before. "Izuku-" he tried talking again but Izuku cut him off before he could ask what was wrong.

"You need to leave," were the omega's words.

"Why?" Denki was getting really worried now. "What's happening?" He could tell that Izuku didn't look well now that he was taking a closer look. The omega's face was flushed, his breathing heavier than usual. It looked like he was getting a fever and Denki wanted nothing more than to help him.

But then Izuku spoke out again and Denki finally understood what was going on. "P-please," the omega looked at Denki with an imploring expression. "I'm going into heat."

"Oh." Denki hadn't expected that. "Oh." He repeated as the words fully registered in his mind.

Izuku was going into heat. Right now. Right in front of him. And that was why the omega looked terrified: because going into heat put him into an extremely vulnerable state and he was probably scared that Denki would take advantage of it. Or that Denki would lose his mind from the scent of his pheromones and assault him.

But Denki wouldn't do any of these things. The only thing he could think about right now was the fact that Izuku was in distress and that he needed to be here for him.

"I can't leave you alone," he blurted out before he could even think about it.

"Denki." It made Izuku take another step back away from it, his expression worried and frightened as he looked at Denki, and Denki quickly realised his mistake. "Sorry," he apologised. The last thing he wanted was to scare Izuku away, but he also meant what he had just said.

"I'm a beta, remember?" he told Izuku. "Your pheromones don't have any effect on me."

It was the truth. Betas couldn't produce or smell pheromones like alphas and omegas could. Denki could barely tell that Izuku's scent was changing. He was able to tell that it was getting more potent in the air, and that it smelt really good, but that was all. It wouldn't drive him mad with lust like it did for alphas. There was no risk he would attack Izuku just because the omega was in heat.

Still, Izuku didn't look the least bit convinced. "Y-you can't stay here," he surely was too worried to listen to what Denki was saying and, for a moment, Denki wondered if it wouldn't be better if he just left like Izuku was asking him to.

But he couldn't. Izuku was scared and in pain. Some omegas suffered a lot during their heat, and Denki didn't want Izuku to spend such a horrible moment alone. "I want to help you," he said. He wouldn't give up so easily. "I won't do anything to you, I promise." He had to make Izuku understand that he wasn't a danger to him.

"You can't." Izuku shook his head but Denki still took the risk to take a step closer to him. "Izuku," he gently took Izuku's hands in his, the omega stiffening at the action but not pushing him away. Denki chose to take it as a good sign. "Do you trust me?" he asked.

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