Chapter 24

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"Denki..." Izuku called in a whimper, his voice coming out breathy and needy because of his heat.

Denki loved the sound of it. "What do you want to do, baby?" He asked Izuku. He was still holding him close, his hands moving from his waist to his hips. "Should we take a bath like we did the last time?" he inquired in a gentle tone. "Or do you want to use your toys?"

He knew that Izuku had brought some of them to their vacations. Denki wouldn't mind fucking him with a dildo again. He had quite enjoyed doing it during Izuku's last heat.

But it seemed like Izuku had something even better in mind. "No..." he shook his head at Denki's offers. "No?" Denki repeated, so Izuku timidly bit his bottom lip before admitting with a blush: "I want to be with you."

That took Denki by surprise, but in a good way. There was no doubt as to what Izuku meant by wanting to be with him. That meant he wanted Denki to take care of him during his heat and, maybe, for them to go all the way together. Denki felt arousal course through his body at the thought.

"Are you sure, baby?" he asked just in case. This was a big deal. He didn't want Izuku to do anything he wasn't ready for yet.

"Yes," but Izuku seemed sure of himself. He was blushing and looked quite nervous, but he also had a determined expression on his face. It looked like it was something he had set his mind on before his heat. He had taken his decision and wouldn't go back on it.

"Okay." Denki was happy. "We'll take things slow," he declared nonetheless. The last thing he wanted was to rush things and scare Izuku away. Or worse, hurt him. "And we can stop whenever you want to, Izuku." He made sure Izuku knew that. "You just have to say the word and I'll stop everything."

This was important. Izuku had never been with someone who cared about him before. He had only had sex against his will, so Denki wanted him to feel safe. He wanted to reassure him as much as possible so that Izuku would feel no fear.

"I know," Izuku answered with a soft smile. "You would never hurt me."

"Never," Denki confirmed in a firm voice. "I only want to make you feel good. I want to pleasure you and treasure you, baby. You deserve it," he said with conviction.

Izuku had such a good heart, but he had been treated so horribly by several people. It wasn't fair. He deserved to be cherished and treated with utmost care. Denki was going to heal all of his wounds with love and gentleness. He would show him what making love was supposed to be like.

"Denki..." Izuku whispered with great emotion. "Make me feel good, please." He looked at Denki with so much faith inside his emerald eyes it was almost blinding. "I trust you." Denki felt his heart clench in response. He would do everything he could to never lose this trust.

"Of course," he captured Izuku's lips with his own.

They moved to the bedroom while kissing the whole time. Denki made Izuku lie on the bed before removing all of his clothes piece by piece. Every one of his actions was slow and gentle, his hands caressing Izuku's body as he uncovered each inch of his skin. He took several seconds just to admire Izuku's nakedness.

"Look at you," his eyes roamed over the gorgeous sight Izuku made.

Even months later, Denki still couldn't believe he was with Izuku, the most beautiful omega in the world. Izuku had been his crush for so long that it was hard to think they were together, but Izuku had become so much more to Denki than just a crush...

He had become Denki's everything. Denki loved him with all of his heart. He wanted to marry him one day and spend the rest of his life with him.

"You're so beautiful," he murmured in an almost reverent tone. "Every part of you," he said while caressing the scars on Izuku's thighs.

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