5. Eye Candies And Crazy Friends ✔

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A/N: Picture of how the twins look.

This chapter is edited.


I wait with Tony and Gio for the twins to arrive. Luciano said they should be here soon, so what exactly is soon for him? I glance around the house, sighing. How the hell will I explain my living arrangement to my mom? I don't know that yet, but I will come up with something, I hope.

I hear doors open and close and I bite my lip in anticipation as I hear to sets of footsteps coming to where we are. I look up as they get closer, only to be met by two identical guys. There is not a single little difference in them. They are both tall and muscular, both have very short brown hair and brown eyes. Their facial features are magnificent, their high cheek bones draw eyes on them.

Even their style looks very alike. The only difference in their looks is that one of them is wearing a green T-shirt and the other one's T-shirt is blue. They are both wearing black jeans and combat boots, finishing their outfits with a pair of ray bans on top of their heads.

The one in blue T-shirt looks at me and then at Gio. "Is this the girl?" He asks like I'm not in the room. Another person without manners, great. Is it really so hard to say hello to someone? I guess so.

Gio nods. "This is Alexis. Alexis, this are Marco,"Gio nods in the direction of the guy in a blue shirt, "And this is his twin, Stefano." He nods in the direction of the guy in a green shirt. I huff and roll my eyes, not even looking at them.

"When can we leave?" I ask no one in particular. "Because I am dying to get out of this stupid dress and this stupid shoes. Do you know why we say killer heels? Because they can kill you if you trip down the stairs in them."

All four of them just stare at me like I fell off the moon. "What? Do you want to try walking in them?" They shakes their heads quickly. "I thought so. Now, chop chop, or I'm going to be late."

I walks towards the doors. I know I am acting like a total bitch, but if it really is so hard to say hello to me and if they can act like stuck up jerks, they shouldn't expect me to be nice to them. I opened the door when my guard dogs, Marco and Stefano, woke up and followed me.

I smile at the fresh air and sun as I walk down some stairs and to the car that is park in front. The driveway is enormous and at the end, there are metal gates. How cool is that?

I stand next to the car as Marco and Stefano come outside. Marco opens the back doors for me as Stefano moves into the driver's seat. I get in and so does Marco. And then we are on the way. They ask me for my address and I give it to them.

When we arrive to my place I get out of the car and stop in front of the building. "I don't have my purse. And my keys are in it." I say to the twins. Marco opens the trunk of my car and gets my purse out of it. Huh, I didn't know that my purse is in there. "Thank you." I say and walks into the building.

We walk to my apartment and I the first thing I do is change into a pair of jeans and a simple blouse, a pair off flats on my feet. I then pack my clothes and my things from the bathroom. I pick my two suitcases and the small toilet bag, dragging them into the living room where the boys are waiting for me, playing on their phones. I grin. "I'm done!"

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