15. Family Dinners Are Not Fun ✔

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A/N: Picture of Matteo

This chapter is now edited.


I bite my lip as I look myself in the mirror once again. My blond hair is let down and the curls are cupping my face nicely. I am wearing a simple black maxi dress that floats down from under my chest with thin straps. I am also wearing black gladiator sandals and my necklace with black heart on it pairing it with my black heart shaped earrings.

Why did I let Luciano agree on this again? Stupid family dinners. I walk out of the room and walk towards the dining room. Luciano made sure I don't worry about anything today, but I still did the dessert, a simple chocolate cake. He said he will take care of everything, because it's his fault anyway.

He even made the guys help him make sure everything is in order, including their clothes. It was quite a funny thing to watch. Luciano called his father and sisters as well as my mom and Kate to make sure they will come to the right place at the right time.

I smile as I walk into the room to see Gio, Tony, Stefano and Marco in a line in front of Luciano as he makes sure they are all decent. I giggle a little which brings their attention to me. I walk towards them and smile. "They look fine, Luciano, stop worrying so much."

He huffs. "I am supposed to worry. Your mom and best friend are coming over, so everything must be perfect."

I roll my eyes. "And you are my fake boyfriend, stop stressing." I say, patting his cheek a little.

Luciano sighs and nods. "If you say so, Alexa."

The guys breathe out a sigh of relief, probably happy that he will stop annoying them with him wanting everything to be perfect.

I grin when the bell rings. "I'll go open it!" I say happily, but Luciano grabs my hand and shakes his head no, just when Marco and Stefano head towards the doors to open them.

"Safety reasons." He says as he takes my hand in his and leads me towards the entrance. I blush and look down as I keep glancing at our hands clasped together. Another first for me I guess, I never before held hands with a guy.

I follow him to the front door and smile warmly at Vito, followed by Alessandra and Caterina. "Hi!" I say and give each of them a hug.

Vito smiles at us teasingly. "I must say I am very glad to know my son is dating such amazing woman as yourself, Alexis."

"Yes, he deserves someone to put him into his place." Says Alessandra.

The whole thing wouldn't be complete without Caterina putting her two cents in. "And to train him well."

Luciano glares and then and groans. I giggle and pat his head. "Down boy." I say, trying to sound stern, but failing as I burst out laughing, Luciano's family joining me. Luciano was simply huffing like a little child, but it was fun poking fun of him.

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