21. I forgive you

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A/N: Ha! I did it, i uploaded on time and  actually finished a book! Yay me! But yes, this is the last chapter, i will write an epilogue and a bonus chapter as well and hopefully put both on before the month is over. Then i will start editing this.

The song above, i don't know what to say, i like it and i listen to it while writing the last part of this chapter, so... 


In that moment, I knew what I have to do. I grab the gun and point it at him, screwing my eyes shut, I tighten the grip I have on the weapon.

A loud bang is hear in the room as a shot is fired. But who fired? Sandro? Or was I the shooter?


I don't dare to open my eyes, scared of what just happened. I don't know what I am more scared off, actually killing someone or Luciano being dead.

That's a lie. Of course I am more scared of Luciano being dead! That means I am left for Sandro to do as he pleases with me and it means that I actually lost someone who I cared about a lot before I even had a chance to actually try something with him.

But if I killed Sandro, which I kind of hoped I did, it would make me a murder. It would mean I took someone's life and dirtied my hands with their blood. No matter how bad a person is, you can never decide if they deserve to live or not, is something my mom used to tell me when I said I wish someone was dead.

I scream loudly and start to trash when I feel someone hands take the gun away from me. "Shh, calm down, cara. It's okay, it's over, open your eyes for me." I hear a voice I came to love in last few weeks, a voice that kept me sane and drove me crazy at the same time.

I take a shaky breath and slowly blink my eyes open, coming face to face with Luciano. He smiles a little and me and wipes away the tears I didn't even know that they were still falling down my cheeks. I watch him throw the gun onto the bed before he takes my hands in his, making me notice how much I am shaking.

"Cara, look at me. Take a deep breath, it's okay, everything it's over now. You are safe." He says softly and pulls me against him, wrapping his arms around my. He rubs my back a little and I bury my face into his neck and slowly wrap my arms around his waist, hugging him tightly, just to make sure he is really here and that I am really safe.

"Y-you're h-here." I mumble against his skin as I take a few deep breaths, trying to calm myself down a little.

He nods and kisses my head. "I am here, cara." He says softly. "Come on, let's get out of here." He softly says and I nod. We slowly pull apart and he takes my hand in his, starting to move towards the doors when I pull him back, making him raise his eyebrow at me. "What's wrong?"

I blush and look down at myself, standing there only in my lingerie, feeling very exposed to him. I self-consciously wrap my arms around me. After Sandro cut the dress I guess it wasn't hard for it to fall off of me when I jump off the bed.

I glance up at him, seeing him looking me up and down, making me blush harder. He clears his throat when he notices me watching him. "Right... Um, can I put the covers around you?" He asks, sounding a bit awkward.

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