The Prey

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Tw: age gap, revenge, wlw

Plot: Cairo is playing revenge on her teacher for failing her by seducing his daugher, Y/N Miller.
What she didn't knew was how everything was gonna end...or everything actually started. ;)

This is literally my longest chapter and its definitely one of the bests.

I promise you, you'll love the plot twist!
I loved writing this one! Its totally one of my fav! <3


"I'll have to fail you" That's all that comes out from the professor's mouth as soon as Cairo confronts him.

She takes some steps forwards as her high heels sounds is the only one corrupting the cold but intimidanting silent around the empty classroom. Her feets steping the wooden pallete increasing their height diference, making the old teacher look up at her.

"Ok. Let me readjust your sentence, Miller: 'I'm gonna give you an A+ my dear Cairo' ". She giggles with her sweet innocent look but still confident refering those words as he used to call her on their emails.

"We both know I- I can't do that, Cai- Ms.Cairo, I'm sorry. But this is innapropriatte. Your unacceptable" He cough trying his best to not call her by her first name which only causes the teenage girl to smirk.

"That's sweet I must say. But please, clarify me. Why is it inappropriate, Miller?" She doesn't dare to stop the eye contact.

"I- It's Mr.Miller, Ms.Cairo. And..are you kidding!? It's- You- I can't accept it! You- what you wrote it's not's..."

"What? What is it?" She mumbles making him lost his mind.

"It's corn! You only wrote- corn with fancy words!I didn't ask for this so I'll have to fail you!" He says grabbing the papers that were on his desk.

"Yes you did. You gave me free autonomy to write whatever I wanted with the style of my favourite author. That was all I did. It's perfect! You know it is!"

Cairo gets closer to him looking with the most dangerous eyes a man could ever see- the angry eyes whose teenage girl got wounded by it's ego and heart that got corrupted due to every lonely holiday that were filled with drunk kisses or malbourne cigarretes.

"No. No it's not perfect. It's innapropriate and it's disgusting and it's gross!" Mr.Miller is trying to find the right words to this atrocity.
"It's a pure fantasy! It's not real! Every word you wrote- it's nothing more than a sad fantasy that grew on a pathethic teenage mind! I'm dissapointed with you. Now if you excuse me, I gotta go to the director's office and fail you, Ms.Cairo and there's nothing you can do about it nor even your friend Winnie."

Now that was the end for Cairo. She grabs his tie making him look at her in the eyes. "I dare you. Didn't you felt anything while reading my story? Our story! I mean...what about our emails?!" Her breath was unsteady and her lips were dry.

He puts his hand on hers by instict and grabs it tightly.

"I'm your teacher. And you're my student. That's all, Cairo. Plus, what emails are you talking about?" Her name coming out of his mouth like that, not in a mad way but in a strange one.

Like she means nothing to him, like she's a random number for him, like she's just Cairo. Not Cairo Sweet. Not Cai. Not THE dear Cairo.

The Cairo he loved to whisper with on poetry shows. Not the Cairo he loved to give A+. Not the Cairo that Cairo thought she was for him...did she never mean nothing to him? What happened? He seemed in love with least on the emails..right?

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