1-The Sun

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when the moon graced the world with its presence eons ago, it created a child, born of pure moonlight with the grace of a swan, moon had its child descend to earth, to watch over its inhabitants.

When the sun graced the earth with It's presence, not long after the moon. It created a child born of Sunlight and stardust with Enough laughter to rival a circus.

It to, had it's child descend to earth to keep watch over the humans that now had roamed and had built their lives.

The one catch, the moon and sun had made an agreement; their children were forbidden to ever meet. For if they did, a dark eclipse would fall on the world, bringing death to life's door.

Sun's child had found his spot in the world, giving himself the name of Aimsey, he had settled in the prairies.
Moon's child had found her spot as well, giving herself the name of Guqqie, she had settled in the alpine hills.

Moon and Sun had done well, their children were far far away.

For now.


"Hi!!! I'm here! Toby? Micheal?" This was what a normal day looked like for Aimsey, he had a routine he liked to keep. It started with picking up groceries from the local convenience store.
"Hello Aimsey! What brings you here?" A short older man with brown fluffy hair and a green apron said as he tied his hair up and went to the fron counter.
"Hi Toby! Every day at 12:00pm I come to pick up my groceries, you should know that by now"
Aismey and the man chuckled, Toby wasn't that much older than Aimsey, but he did have a worse memory, exactly why his son Micheal ran the shop with him. "Hi dad! Good afternoon Aimsey, do you want the usual? I'll help sense Dad doesn't remember your grocery list?"
Micheal grabbed a small shopping basket and handed it to Aimsey who patted him on the head. "I remember just fine Michael, but if you could help that would be nice", the little boy laughed to himself as he followed Aimsey down the isles, Toby would never admit to his memory loss.

You see Toby had served in the military for a year, when his son hadn't even been a thought in his head. He had suffered brain damage from a concussion when a nuke landed close to his camp, luckily the memory loss was the only damage he suffered. He was sent home after, back to his husband. The two had divorced years ago, choosing to have Micheal switch back and forth from their houses.

As Micheal grabbed Aimsey's groceries and tossed them into the basket that he was holding, they went down each aisle while making a bit of small talk. "How's your Pa, Micheal? Is he well?" Aimsey asked while grabbing the loaf of bread from the young boy's hands. "He's well, I'll see him next week! He said we would go out for lunch".
Aimsey smiled, it was nice to talk to talk to the young boy, Micheal often confided in The man when he couldn't talk to his dad or pa.
"Alright that's everything! I'll bring to my dad now!" Micheal took Aimsey's basket to the front where his dad was standing ready to ring everything up.

"Well, I'll see you both around the village and Wednesday for groceries again! Goodbye Micheal good bye Toby!"
Aimsey grabbed his grocery bags, "good bye Aimsey!"
The man walked home, savoring the sweet smell of spring flowers and fresh rain from the night before. Aimsey stepped through a puddle when he noticed the stubble on his face. "I really need to shave, I'll do that when I get home", he thought as he reached the small wooden gate that surrounded his property. He walked up the stone pathway to his little house on a quiet hill.

Aimsey genuinely loved his life, he had his dream house and lived every day how he wanted, his routine never change unless it was a holiday or a special day.

e liked it like that, always did.
Didn't he? Well I guess not all the time. There would be times where he longed for adventure, but was always to scared to leave his town he knew well. He thought of the dangers out in the world, the monsters from outside the village. Golems; creatures made of iron, protected the village from monsters. If Aimsey stepped out of the safety he would surely meet his end.

See Aimsey knew he had a job, he was sent to earth to watch over the humans, but he would never dare leave the place he was told to stay. By who? Well the sun of course, he knew all to well that disobeying father sun was an act that could not go unpunished. In fact he had disobeyed many times before.

The burns on his back proved it.

Aimsey walked through his door and placed his groceries on the nearby kitchen table, then get took off his shoes and turned the tv on while hoping onto the couch. Now came the second part of Aimsey's routine; watching adventure time. For Aimsey, the show was a glimpse at adventure when he was stuck in his 4 walls. "Remember your place" he'd mumble to himself, that sentence was one his father repeated when he was growing up.

Aimsey finished a few episodes of his show, then went to go cook dinner. He was going to grab the carrots from his garden, when he noticed a set of brown fluffy ears. A jack rabbit had eaten his whole carrot crop! "Hey! What the heck? Get back here!". With a flash, the rabbit ran all over the garden Through each patch of vegetables and into Aimsey's back door. "What the- why did you go inside? There's like nothing for you to eat- HEY THAT'S MY DINNER!". The rabbit looked up from the plate of chicken it was eyeing, staring right at the boy infront of it. "Hey man, can we just call a truce? I'm tired and hungry, you can eat the carrots just don't touch my other food". Aimsey didn't know if it was magic, maybe a dream or maybe his father had something to do with it, but the Rabbit nodded and leaped off the table.

"Oh hey, didn't think that would work but alright, now what is your gender? Are you a girl?"
The rabbit stared at Aimsey, not giving any signs of understanding what he had said. "Ok... Are you a boy? Like me?", the rabbit begun to nod. Aimsey was in shock but took the gender of the rabbit seriously, deciding to try and come up with a name. "Hmm... Can I call you Jack? You're a jack rabbit after all!"
The rabbit leaped forward, sniffing Aimsey, letting letting the man pick him up. "I think this is the beginning of a Wonderful friendship, now let's make some dinner". And with that, Aismey and their Newfound companion Jack had their dinner.

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