3-The Rain

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"good morning Jack! We have a long day ahead of us so up and at'em!", Aismey said while making breakfast for him and his newfound friend Jack the Rabbit. The two had become good roommates in just 24 hours, Aismey was loving the help around his house. The little rabbit sprung off his spot on the couch and ran to the table, jumping up and eating his carrots and lettuce Aimsey had washed and prepared for him on his very own plate.

Aimsey sat down with his own breakfast across from Jack, the two ate together, while Aimsey talked about plans for the day and Jack nodded in silence.

Because rabbits can't talk.

Hi it's me the author, no talking rabbits or foxes or animals will make appearances during this book, this isn't a Disney movie. Carry on.

"Ok so today we need to work on the garden so that means heading into town to see Hannah and Nikki at their flower shop! They have tons of different seeds for us to plant, what do you say?", jack jumped and nodded eagerly. Aimsey put his coat and hiking boots on and the two friends set out on their journey into the village.

"Good morning Aimsey!", Micheal said as he crossed paths with the man and his rabbit. "Good morning Micheal! How is your Pa?", Aimsey asked while stopping for a moment to talk to the young boy while Jack stood there not waiting patiently whatsoever. "My Pa is great! We went out for lunch yesterday!", Aimsey smiled. He had been happy to hear that Michael's Pa was finding time for him, Ranboo had Always been a really busy person. He was always working on something, a lot of the time Micheal wouldn't get to see his Pa. "I'm glad to hear that you had fun! Say hello to him next time you see him and let your Dad know I hope he is well!"

Michael smiled and nodded, he headed on his way back to his Pa's house. Aimsey and Jack continued down the path to a very small but beautiful florist. Nikki and Hannah were the best florists in town, they grey flowers the likes of which no one had ever seen! Some hybrids and other completely new.

"Aimsey! Its so good to see you its been to long!", Hannah walked up to the man and gave him a hug the size of the moon. "Lovely to see you as always Hannah! This is my friend Jack and we're in search of your finest seeds for my vegetable garden"

Nikki overheard the group and came out from behind the stock door, "well we have just the things you'll need! Hannah's been working on a new Tomato hybrid that's crossed with a strawberry!". Jack looked so excited at the idea of a hybrid fruit berry! Hannah showed Aimsey where their selection was while Nikki played with Jack, she even gave him a carrot for being so cute.

"Ok we have our hybrids and our regulars, what are we thinking?", Hannah asked while looking through the stock. "What's that one?", Aimsey picked up a small pack of weird looking seeds. "Oh! Those are so cool, Sun pumpkins. They are sunflowers that sprout and drop pumpkin seeds from their centers, they make pumpkin a summer and autumn food instead of just one season"

"Ill take it!!!"

Aimsey picked the sun pumpkins along with a few other fruits and veggies, Jack carried a few seed packets in his mouth so Aimsey could pay. The two said goodbye to Nikki and Hannah and went on their way.

"That was successful! I cant wait to go home and plant these!", Jack nodded and he hoped along side the man. They made their way back home and started work on the garden, Aismey being most excited for Sun pumpkins.
After they had finished planting all new foods, the two sat down to watch a show and eat some fruit salad from Aimsey's last crop collection.

"Im going to grab the mail, be right back Jack!", jack nodded and continued to munch on his Apple slices. Aimsey walked outside to the village mail boxes when he was suddenly knocked over by a powerful force. "Hey! Watch... It". There standing above him with a worried expression, was a woman with beautiful pink hair, next to her a large white fox. "Oh my gosh Im so sorry! I need to be more careful let me help you up!", Aimsey grabbed the Woman's hand and stood up. "Thanks", suddenly the sky turned dark and it started to rain heavily, The woman put the hood of her jacket on. "Gotta go! See you around", and with that she left in a hurry down the street and away from Aimsey, who was by now soaking wet from staring in awe of the Woman he'd just met.

Aimsey rushed back to his house and slammed the door shut, leaning against it and slowly sliding down to the ground, covering the entrance mat in rain water. "Oh my gods, she was... Something", Aimsey looked down at the puddle he was now sitting in, he got up and grabbed a towel from the linen closet and threw it onto the wet floor, then walking into the bathroom. He started the water for a shower. Aimsey looked at himself in the mirror, his beanie thrown onto the floor, he was only in his boxer shorts and binder, staring at his wet hair that seemed to only want to cling to his neck, dripping with water every few seconds.

He got into the shower, letting the hot water sting his skin, sting his scars and scrapes from the fall in the rain. When he met her, no matter how hard he tried he couldn't stop thinking of her.

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