5-The clouds

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Aimsey stretched as he woke up from his deep sleep, yesterday had him tired and puzzled. Maybe more eager than anything, He wanted to find that woman with the pink hair. But first he needed breakfast. "Hey Jack!", he yelled out into the garden. Jack came hopping into the living room to greet Aimsey. "Hey buddy! Im heading into town for some breakfast, ill be back soon so help yourself to the veggie patch!", Jack nodded as Aimsey slipped on his shoes and walked outside into town.

Aimsey stopped infront of a smaller building with a large window in the front, the sign read 'Early bird diner'. It was a small establishment run by an old man name Phil, he had been serving guests for as long as Aimsey had been in town. His Wife Kristen was the owner of the local thrift shop Just down the street, the two had a few children to say the least. Aimsey stepped into the diner, the sound of the door chime rang Through the building and into the kitchen where Phil ran out from. "Aimsey my boy! What a lovely surprise what brings you here! You must be starving if you've come to visit Grandpa!". Phil called everyone his Grandkids, he became so used to it that it was just a regular thing for him.

"Good morning Phil, I am in need of your finest pancake breakfast! Its been awhile since ive had your cooking and I simply need a good breakfast", Phil nodded and smiled while Aimsey sat down at a small booth table. The man quickly noticed a small set of crayons on the table with a few pieces of blank paper, he decided to doodle away while waiting for his food. "What are you drawing?", "oh jeez! You scared...me".

The woman! The one with pink hair that Aimsey had bumped into yesterday, was now looking over him and his doodles. "Hi, you're that guy I knocked over yesterday, sorry about that... Im Guqqie, you are?". Aimsey quickly tried to make himself more presentable, the girl of his dreams was right infront of him. "Im Aimsey, its nice to meet you... Please, sit down if you want". She sat down across from him, grabbing a crayon from the small pile and beginning to doodle. "So... Do you come here often?", Aismey asked. "Oh no, Im not from here I'm just passing by... I travel a lot is all". The man nodded and proceeded to examine the woman's drawing of a blue outlined fox. "Is that the fox I saw you were with yesterday?", Guqqie blushed and looked at her little drawing. "Oh yeah, she's my friend Snow. I know its weird to befriend a predator or even a wild animal.

Aimsey didn't think it was weird, afterall he also had his own company that happened to hop on 4 legs. "Not weird at all, I have a rabbit named Jack who lives in my garden!". The two laughed at the strange coincidence, Aimsey's breakfast arrived shortly after. Guqqie ordered a little something as well, the two ate their meals while talking to eachother like they had known one another for years!

"This has been so nice, Im glad I haven't made myself a total outcast of yet another place", Guqqie said while she doodled a portait of Aimsey. "Im glad I wasn't a total weirdo to you, I wish I didn't have to leave soon but I have lots of work and chores to do". Aimsey looked at Guqqie with a sad face, one of the most disappointed looks was staring back at him, it was Guqqie's. "Oh, Alright yeah I guess I should head out soon as well". Guqqie waved goodbye to Aimsey and soon it was just her and her thoughts. "How do you know him?", It wad Phil from behind the counter. "Oh I uh... I dont really, I knocked him over yesterday when I was getting into town and we just kinda... Hit it off I guess". Phil nodded and came round the counter, sitting in Aimsey's place. "He's quite the catch indeed, been here longer than I have... Come to think of it, seems like he's always been around here"

Huh... Strange, Guqqie thought as she got up from the booth and took one last glance at the drawings on the paper. With one last glance Guqqie took the paper and folded it up, slipping it into her pocket and leaving the diner.

Meanwhile, Aimsey was soaring! He had never felt this way about a girl so pretty before... Heck he had never felt this way at all! The man walked down the streets of the town humming to himself. No matter what he couldn't stop himself from being happy. "Aimsey!", a voice yelled from behind him. It was little Micheal, "hey Michael! What's up?". "What's up? You never came to get your groceries today, you grab them in the morning!"

Oh crap. Aimsey had been so caught up with breakfast and his little crush, that he had completely forgotten about Toby and Micheal. "Oh god! Im so sorry I forgot I was busy this morning. Why dont I walk you back and you can help me with groceries?". Micheal nodded eagerly and grabbed Aimsey's hand, dragging him all the way to the market. "Hi Aimsey! We were wondering when you would show up", Toby Said as he got up from his spot behind the counter. "Im so sorry Toby I was having breakfast with Guqqie and-"

"Who's that? Is it a girl?"

"Umm, maybe? Im not sure I'm still figuring it all out"

"I bet she's pretty!"

"Yeah... She is"

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