Filius Auri

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Drystan = Changbin
Zolan = Chan

"Who does he think he is? To speak to ME like this? I should have cut his head with a twist of my wrist." Agatha mumbled to herself while climbing the hill to the Secondary Castle, where the dukes were living their peaceful lives under the shadow of the king's royal residence.

Agatha saw a line of peasants waiting to entry through the high gates of the courtyard. They were waiting to received food from the kindhearted princess, taking advantage of her good nature like blood-thirsty predators. Just sucking every golden coin out of her inheritance.

That could have been the perfect chance for the witch to sneak inside and find the scarf without raising suspicions.

She spined three times before turning into an old hag, hanging by a wooden stick made from a healthy and strong fir tree. Her steps became heavier under the four lawyers of ripped clothes hanging on her back and the dry mold stiffening her skirt. The sun was an accomplice to her becoming a walking corpse, covered in sweat and tears.

She tried to maintain her cover and trick the unbearable temperature with a slight breeze, but having that many people around her meant her hands were tied up. She couldn't do anything, but wait.

Yet every body has its limit. Especially one as old as hers in that form. She collapsed eventually and was taken inside by the guards.

She woke up not long after in a soft bed with pink sheets that smelled like snow bells. She tried to get up on her own and felt two hands fixing her pillow.

She looked to the right and met with two blue eyes peeking through the golden bangs. She, the princess, was taking care of her. The most beautiful woman in the land. The mother of the most dangerous warrior of the land and the mother of the man that lead the witch hunt. Agatha almost lost her life back there.

Even then she could remember his eyes watching the flames spreading as his heart filled with black of betrayal.

The woman looked nothing like him. Her golden locks were spreading on her back like a spider web. Her dress was made by no less than five dressmakers from different countries. Her earrings were dangling with heavy pearls and the top of her head was covered in a crown of flowers. Her smooth hands sank into the basin and back in air they squeezed gently the extra water in the piece of cloth she was about to use to lower her guest's temperature.

"It's alright. You can turn back to who you truly are."

Her voice brushed gently against the walls of Agatha's eardrum like a melody made just for her. A soothing lullaby sang by a fairy.

She followed the order and turned back to her witch form right before the princess's calm expression.

"I have never seen someone keeping his cover while being in pain. Do you sleep like this? I am sure it requires a lot of power."

She talked about it so casually that it startled the young woman laying on the bed.

"I apologize! I am excited to meet a witch this powerful."

"Aren't you a little hypocrite, Your Highness? Your son almost killed me." Agatha threw a nasty look at the crowned head before her.

"Drystan was... It's my fault. I neglected him. I spent so much time away that it felt as I wasn't beside him at all. I was a terrible mother to him." She lowered her gaze in shame.

"Yet you kept his scarf."

"Oh, yes! It's my dearest possession." She squeezed her hands at her chest as she was holding the scarf close to her heart.

"Can I have it?" Agatha reached with her left hand to take it, but the princess made a few steps back.

"I cannot give it to you." She shook her head scared.

"What do you want in return? I can offer you everything. Your darkest desires can become reality."

"I do not deserve anything. Please return to your home when you feel better." She rushed to get out of the room.

"I'll do anything!" Agatha felt herself cornered by the princess's look.

She had something in mind. Of course she had. At that time everyone wanted something. The lower the possibility to have it the greater the desire to keep it between your fingers. Even magic welders couldn't have it all. There was always a price to pay.

"All due respect, Your Highness, what are we doing in the forest?" Agatha walked carefully through the stumps of tree trunks.

"All those villagers that came to me this morning had one thing in common. A wolf was terrorizing their farms and killing their animals. I begged my husband to go hunting. I even dared to bring the problem to my brother. However none of them seemed intrigued a bit." The princess dragged a sword after her, leaving a trace behind them in case they would get lost.

"You brought me here to kill the beast since I am a witch and I only serve for killing." Agatha rolled her eyes. "Typically for royal blood." She scoffed under her breath.

"I brough you here with me since you are fearless before the danger. I needed a companion. I shall kill that beast and bring peace to my village." The woman raised her head with elegance and cockiness.

Agatha started laughing audaciously, making the older woman flustered.

"How dare you mock the princess of this kingdom? Didn't your mother teach you how to behave?' she yelled offended, which was even funnier for the witch. To see the so-called "lady perfection" being embarrassed was a whole new level of entertainment.

"My mother? She taught me a lot of things, but never to obey a crowned head. You wouldn't have fancied her. I know I didn't."

"I'm sorry to hear that."

After a few minutes of mortuary silence, the princess couldn't help herself and spoke again.

"It's Eira. I forgot to mention."


"My name. I get called Your Highness that I sometimes forget my own name."

"I go through the same thing. People either run or scream. Never ask."

"I do. What's your name?"


Eira smiled widely, feeling a bond forming between them two. Agatha seemed to crack the ice block she had former around her and the princess couldn't be happier.

Suddenly they heard a growl nearby. Agatha dragged Eira behind a bush and waited patiently for the wolf to show itself.

"What's your plan? I hit him with magic and you decapitate him?" she asked. "Your Highness?"

When she didn't receive any answer, she looked behind her shoulder and noticed the princess's absence. Eira just went with it and ran towards the animal, dandling the heavy sword of her husband in the air with no clue of what was she doing.

Her instincts were telling her to freeze both the woman and the animal and kill him afterwards. It was the wise way. The easy way... The dark way.

She suddenly heard Zolan's annoying voice in her head, telling her to stop hiding behind her powers and show the world what she could do on her own. Yes, the idea of Zolan being right was killing her inside, yet showing him how powerful she was even without a drop of magic fed her pride like no sweet honey could.

It was settled. She was about to kill the beast without magic. Like a true knight. She just needed the sword.

At that moment the said blade fell at her feet while the princess rushed back and hid behind the bush, leaving Agatha to face the wolf alone.

"Kill it for me!" she screamed terrified.

"My heroine." The younger rolled her eyes and picked up the weapon.

"Good boy... follow my lead." She talked slowly to the animal threatening her with its canines.

"I could let you eat her and get rid of one of my problems..." she added.

"Hey!" Eira gasped in shock.

"Unfortunately for you, I need that scarf. I'd rather deal with her Highness than with that stubborn knight." She said swinging her sword and slicing the head off the wolf.

"You did it!" Eira ran with her arms wide open to hug the girl, but immediately realized the latter was covered in animal blood and stopped.

"The scarf." Agatha tried to stop her heart from beating so fast.

The princess handed her the item and bowed in gratitude for the younger's help.

"filius auri" she read in black threat on the golden scarf of Drystan. She was eager to show Zolan what she had done with her own skills. It was almost like she was eager to see his face.

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