Deniable surprises

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A/n- hey y'all , I know it's been a few months since I update but I came back randomly cuz why not. Enjoy the oneshot bitches.

You were a young 27 year old woman ,
It's been a really long time since you and konig got together. About over 4 years tops since you both got together when you were 23. It's been strange lately , your usually very distant and sometimes very closed off and quiet but you've been a bit more open lately with konig. It's been really weird for you as well as konig as seen some changes in you and has a suspicion but hasn't really come to terms with it yet as he's not sure. You stood on the couch wrapped in a blanket simply watching tv and you watch as he walked over and looked at you.
He started.
You looked at him confused and cocked an eyebrow at him.
You say confused.
"Are you pregnant?."
He questioned quietly as he looked you over.

Pregnant ? What is he on about ? You thought.

"No I'm not pregnant"
You denied and sighed.
He's been acting so weird lately and maybe this was why?. You noticed how he became more attentive and more alert when out with you and you didn't know why but this had to be the reason he was kinda on edge.
"You sure..? We haven't been careful so I know this is a possibility. I just..."
He's almost pleading with you now.
"...I want to be a father."
He finished and your eyes winded a bit.
You knew he wanted to be a father one day but you weren't sure if you wanted to be a mother.

You had many unresolved issues still going on in your life and you didn't want to put your child through what you went through when you were young. You didn't want to be like the so-called parents you had. You were afraid you wouldn't be able to provide or be able to even take care of a child which made you deny the fact even more.
"Konig..I might not even be pregnant maybe it's something else okay.."
You sighed.
He seems reluctant to accept your answer. He walked over to you and His fingers gently caress your stomach. As much as it's starting to annoy you, he's being endearing in a way.
"Then how come you're acting differently? You changed."
He explained and you let off a small huff.

"I don't know, maybe it's just the weather."
You muttered and he sighed.
"The weather."
Konig repeats, but it's not entirely convincing. This doesn't feel like weather. But he's not willing to give up his claim.
"We haven't been as responsible the last few times..."
He says and you let his words sink in for a moment. It was true , you both haven't used protection against anything and it could most likely be a very high possibility that you were indeed pregnant but you didn't want to think of that. You didn't want to be pregnant.The fact that you're getting so argumentative is also making him more suspicious. You've never been this aggressive towards him before and normally you're quiet and just distant. He can't help but wonder if your mood swings are just an effect of hormones or if it is something truly bigger.

"Fine then I'll go take a test."
You finally gave in as you got up off the couch and looked at him.
"That would be for the best."
He agrees before leaning back. Even if you're not pregnant now, he's hoping that you will be soon.
"I'm already imagining us as parents."
He added and you shook your head before heading to the bathroom. You had like two tests under your sink cabinet as you didn't know if one day you'd half to take one but today was the day you'd be finally using them. You locked the bathroom door and you unwrapped the test , the wrapper making a crinkle noise as you threw it out and you went to the toilet an did your business as you peed on the stick.

Once you were finished with that you felt the minutes go by as you waited for your results and your eyes widened as you saw the results.
It read positive on it. The two pink lines that has shown up indicated the fear that you held and the assumption from konig. It was true.

You were pregnant.

You felt your breath hitch in your throat as you saw the results and you dropped the test onto the floor and felt your fears set in. Konig who is still outside the bathroom door waiting for you to come out he knocks on the door after he hears Somethinf drop.
"Hey? Everything okay in there?"
He asked gently. You didn't answer.
You didn't want to answer. All you could feel was that fear and anxiety bubbling over.The knocks soon turned to repeated knocking as konig didn't get word from you.
His voice is filled with uncertainty as He knows something's wrong.
"Please open the door."
He asked gently.

You were a bit reluctant to open the door but after awhile you opened it having a fearful look on your face , tears welling in your eyes as you looked at him.
"I can't fucking do it."
You muttered.
Your words hit him like a truck. For a split second he doesn't understand what you're talking about But then they click and he gets it as he sees the star your In. He pulls you into a tight embrace as he wanted to comfort you in this time of news.
"Shh, it's okay."
His hands rest on your lower back, running his fingers up and down slowly and soothingly trying to bring you some form of comfort.
"I can't be a mother...I can't."
You broke as you sobbed into his chest letting all the overflow of emotions go.

This was something you didn't want to happen and you didn't know if you could do it but all you knew is that you didn't want to abandoned your child or send it off to the system or worse. You didn't want to put them through that but you also didn't know if you could be a good parent. You didn't know if you could give them what you didn't have when you were younger.
"Oh liebe, no."
These words are more comforting than the way he's rubbing your back.This is breaking his heart and destroying him at the same as He's the one who wants a family with you. He wants to be there with you and raise a family , he wants to teach his kids he wants to be there to help out and to make sure they will learn everything they need to know.

He wants a life with you.

"Y/n you'll be the best mother. I'll make sure of it, don't worry. I'll be there every step of the way just Let me help you. I know your scared and I know you unsure but I will be there with you every step of the way."
He reassured you gently.
"No more tears. We're doing this together. It'll be fine Trust me. I'll be right here. With you."
He spoke gently to you.

"I'll always be with you."

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